questions about guitar and amp choice


New member
Sorry if these have been asked before.. I searched but didn't really find a satisfactory answer to my questions..

firstly, what's the difference between a Standard Stratocaster and a Highway1 Stratocaster? While they're both remotely within an acceptable price range.. I can't really tell the difference. For a long-lasting, satisfactory guitar, which would be better?

Also, I heard the Vox pathfinder amp series was discontinued this year.. Is that true? Does that mean that getting a new one is not possible now?

I'm looking for a good, decent amp for a budget of 300, 400 at most(preferably lower). Needs a nice clean sound, and doesn't really need much amp effects.. Actually I'd prefer one without any at all.

Thank you!
the main differences, imho, between a highway 1 and standard strat are the choices that are unique to the series, i.e. most highway 1s come with 22 frets, whereas stds come with 21. highway 1s also have big headstocks, std come with the small headstocks. u can just go to fender's website and take a look at the specs.

for an amp with good cleans, i'd suggest a smarvo. i personally love the cleans of the amp, but as phil said, what wattage would u prefer?
Aside from specs, main difference between a MIM Standard and a MIA Highway generally has to do with consistency. You can probably find a MIM that's just as well made as a MIA, just that buying off the rack, you have a higher probability of getting a well made instrument with MIA's.

Do a search on Japanese Fenders on the forum.

Also, Peaveys are generally decent workhorse sort of amps. Dunno how much a 60 watter would go for tho.
Amps I'm buying one to play at home; like 30-50 watts? I'm not really sure on this, a nice sound mainly..

I've taken a look at the specs and the Highway1 seems like it has the choice of switching of pickups to HSH pickups, which is something I might want to do. The main other differences are the extra fret, different tone controls and vintage pickups. Would it be worth paying more solely for this?
50 watts to paly at home? wow even with 30 watts its already damn loud even if its not on full.. well it all depends on you ultimately.. need the 22nd fret? like the vintage over the other? want more tone control?
for the possibility of modification, if i'm not wrong, most standard strats are routed SSH, so u have the possibility of putting a mini humbucker (i.e. SD lil59) a normal single coil, and a humbucker, tada, HSH too :D

as for the question about vintage pups etc, its more of if u like it, and will use it, or not. i'd suggest going down and testing the guitar personally. if the stock pickups are 100% going to go eventually, then maybe u might want to consider paying less for them.

wow even with 30 watts its already damn loud even if its not on full...

eh heh heh... 100 watts is louder without passing 4 :lol: