Question, relating to how to ship stuff to Singapore from the US.


New member
Hey there, is there a way, to buy something off Musician's Friend and ship it to Singapore? Eventho M'SF don't offer that service. I heard you could send it to some Singpost warehouse in the US and they'd ship it to you. Please help, thanks.
I've never used MF before but the service ur referring to is called Vpost. U buy ur items in the US, have it sent to Portland or LA, pay for the shipping charges to here and they will deliver.

Check it out at

I used this service when I shopped thru Ebay :)
Hmm drum set eh, I assume they will be delivering to u by boxes? I could be wrong. U need to ask MF for the grand total weight and dimensions of the whole package(s). Then from there u can calculate the shipping charge to be delivered here n decide whether its worth it.
man, someone one should take the time and make like a Step by step pictorial instructional on Purchasing and shipping.

Like from Ebay/Online stores to your door step or summin and sticky it.