Question regarding Ibanez RG550EX


New member
Hi i've got a question regarding my own guitar. The action of the strings are very high and the tension is quite strong. How do i lower the action? And if i lower the action of the string. What other stuffs must i do? Its a floyd rose bridge. Its rather urgent. Thanks for the great help!
the Lo-Pro edge vibrato of this guitar has 2 stud posts which are adjustable. use the thinnest allen-wrench which came with the package to unlock these studs first. then use the thickest allen wrench to adjust the action. after doing so, re-lock the studs. there, done. please unlock the nut first before attempting action adjustments. 8)
RG550EX? My ex-guitar.

There's these 2 allen screw holes on both sides of the floyd rose bridge. Find an allen key that fits, turn it clockwise/anti-clockwise i can't remember to lower it. Don't go too low or else it will start buzzing at the frets. Don't go too high and the whole thing will come off (like what happened to me). Judge the relief by placing a small ruler at the fret and see the distance between fret and low E string. Take heed to ensure the balance of the bridge on both sides by placing your eye the same level as the back of the bridge.

If i remember there is a palm sized maintenance booklet that comes with the guitar. It tells you quite alot on adjusting action.

The other risky and not recommended way is to tighten the truss rod. No no for me.
Ok i somehow solved the action problem. But now the sustain is quite bad ah. No idea when i hold and stay on to 14fret... And try to ring it. It stays at most about 4 sec and fade away very fast... Any way to improve the sustain apart from changing pickups? I'm quite new to gagdets like this and need some advice. Thanks alot.
considering the fact that you've just rectified your action, when you execute a vibrato, it might be that the string comes in contact with the subsequent upper fret, hence affecting sustain.

if you believe that replacement pickups would contribute to your sustain, share your tonal preference here. also, share with us what amp you are using.
Hmm from what i've heard from my friends some pickups can help in sustain? Anyway I'm using a Marshall AVT-20 and i prefer to have... Old school metal sorta tone (Eg. Iron Maiden), and abit of bluey tone...
VaiSteve said:
Hmm from what i've heard from my friends some pickups can help in sustain? Anyway I'm using a Marshall AVT-20 and i prefer to have... Old school metal sorta tone (Eg. Iron Maiden), and abit of bluey tone...

yes there is a sustainer pickup in the market. i believe yamaha has the dealership for the product. however the sustain gets a little ridiculous. with the pickup installed on your guitar, you are locked to the guitar tone from the pickup. i dont advise that you should consider. instead, you may wish to make adjustment to your pickups height level. but reducing the height 'pickup sinking into the compartment', you are reducing the magnetic force thereby giving the strings more room for vibration. that's where sustain prolongs. increasing pickup height does the reversal, increasing magnetic attraction, tension, and less sustain. hope it helps...
hey MJR thanks for the advice. But just a question, the magnets is to create so called, 'less vibrations'? Depends on the amount of sustain you want to have right? Hmm to adjust the pickup height level, will the pickup so called.. Sink in and hard to take out? haha cause i scared after unscrewing that 2 screws which i think is holding onto the pickup may just get so lose and sink right in.. Must i open up the pickguard or something? Thanks.
height of pickups can be leveled by simply tightening or loosesing the screws.

X = screw

* = pickup



VaiSteve said:
hey MJR thanks for the advice. But just a question, the magnets is to create so called, 'less vibrations'? Depends on the amount of sustain you want to have right? Hmm to adjust the pickup height level, will the pickup so called.. Sink in and hard to take out? haha cause i scared after unscrewing that 2 screws which i think is holding onto the pickup may just get so lose and sink right in.. Must i open up the pickguard or something? Thanks.

another secondary use of adjusting the pickup height is to alter the pickups' ability to pick up and amplify the strings vibrations. it's a tradeoff. by reducing the pickup height (pickup sinking inwards), tension if release, thereby giving more sustain, however you may suffer a loss of volume as the pickup may not pick up as much signals. go for a moderate height....adjust by not totally unscrew as there are 2 springs beneath the pickups that help to float them. once the screws are on intact, the springs will pop out. it's going to alitte troublesome getting them back in again. you dont really have to have a drastic adjustment to the height. adjust a little and try playing to see if you are comfortable with the sustain and volume. you do not have to remove the pickguard. just adjust the 2 screws at the 2 ends of ur pickups.

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