Question for shredders


New member
i believe u guys have already read about anchoring~
what're your opinions on it?
btw, is resting the arm on the end of the body (ie. the curved area of a strat, or the other side of the place u plug ur cable) considered anchoring, if not, how should you play while sitting down? (floating the whole arm feels... weird.)

PS. this is really on the more technical aspect than preference, if it doesnt affect the optimum speed and sound of shredding then ima do it anyway im comfortable with :D
I dont really consider myself as an shredder but in terms of any sort of playing its really just your preference if you wanna anchor or not, for me when im sitting down i do rest my hand on the guitar it's not logical that i dont
when i started out, i read too much into the 'proper' playing technicalities, then i saw Marty Friedman play- he got away with that right hand posture. this was the timely signal for me to incorporate my quirks into my playing; there are so many ways to hold the pencil, if it doesn't help you write, then it's the wrong way.
Alrighty, I'll just play in my most comfortable position~ (of course, thats after i experiment with all kinds of postures)
john pettrucci anchors and look at him go.

ultimately its all about how comfortable you are when you're playing. don't let theory and technique cripple you.
If I may offer the alternative view point, I think posture (and the associated theory/technique) is extremely important. The picking hand should be anchored for high tempo picking, it helps to ensure that the stress and impact from picking gets absorbed into the guitar body and not fully absorbed by your wrist/forearm.
Yeah, it certainly helps to rest your hand somewhere when trying to go full speed! Sometimes, not only my palm is 'anchored' to the bridge area but also, my little finger is resting around where the volume knob is on a strat. Can't imagine doing it with the so-called 'floating' hand...
If I may offer the alternative view point, I think posture (and the associated theory/technique) is extremely important. The picking hand should be anchored for high tempo picking, it helps to ensure that the stress and impact from picking gets absorbed into the guitar body and not fully absorbed by your wrist/forearm.

+1. My little finger anchors on the edge of the pickup mounting ring for maximum comfort when shredding.. :)