Putting a Multi Effects with a pedal


New member
Putting a Multi Effects with afew pedal.

I currently using a Yamaha GW50 but i do have the idea of putting my RV-3, CS-3 and MD-2 with my Multi Effects. Any idea how to do this?

Junhao (: :)
1) You need something called a patch cable, which is the same as your instrument cable, except it is much shorter, to interconnect all those gadgets

2) You connect input to output to input to output and so on with patch cable.

3) Sequence of connection, aka single pedal before the multi efx or after or some before, some after, that you will be the one to try out and hear which one sound the best and relevant. And connection is the same, input to output, output to input. Different sequence of connection will have changes in sound(someobvious, some not so obvious), which, will be a good time to learn about how different sequence affect the sound(for those few pedals you have) and getting the right sound for what you want to do

4) Go ahead and do it, nothing will go wrong. The connection is all audio path. If connected wrongly, there will just be no sound or just noise perhaps.

5) Output to input to output to input just like input to output to input to output and so on.
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