Purchase of Cajon, Help

HF Theory

New member
Hello Guys, Could someone specify me a good model, name of shop/s to check out Cajons? I'm not really sure where to get it. Thanks!
Meinl - Swee Lee,
LP (Latin Percussion) - Yamaha Music Plaza @ Plaza Singapura.
Carlos - Ranking Sports & Music.

The Meinls in Swee Lee can be quite nice, in the range of $200-$300.

That's from my limited experience, those familiar with the local shops may be able to suggest more options.
u could get Toca from Yamaha, Meinl from swee lee, Carlos from ranking sports, and i have a friend who makes customised cajons... :-D
Hi Hans!
I just have to say something in regards to a Cajon basically its almost like a guitar where you or the person who is playing it will have to go down personally to try it out... Trust me i had countless arguements with my fellow percussionist on which cajon sounds better and sometimes its based on the position and the style you play it.. personally i prefer the wood ones instead of the upholstered Mein ones as the sound of the "crack" from the snare sounds better... if your a bassy guy then go for the Mein Upholstered one =) like i said before personal preference.. btw try sitting on the cajon and hitting the position with the optimal bass sound with ur hand casped... this position changes from cajon to cajon so the spot that u feel most comfortable with go for it =) another advise if u got the cash to spare is to buy the plug in version it be easier cus cajons are quite a trick to mic if u ask any of the soundman around... yup yup i think thats about it.. hmm dont be surprised though if some cajons imported internationally doesnt have a snare within cus the origins of the cajon doesnt have a snare wire its just smartasses like us who put it in whahaha =P have fun!!
Hey guys..Need help here..Asking on behalf of a friend..

How much is a decent cajon?..He's not specific in brands....
Just one that can last and sounds good...

thanks in advance
Best Regards:D
Thanks guys. Hmm, I saw one at guitar 77 that has a solid snare and bass sound. Hmm, razoredge, good one! i didn't know, the original cajon didn't have snares. But sadly, i notice alot of cajons out there for sale not up to my expectations, especially the snare and the boomy bass.. I'm still on e Hunt for it! any leads, please lemme know yeah? Thanks very much!

Most of the time is hard to get a nice sound from the cajon usually its either the bass or the snare would sound better this is due to the construction of the cajon... maybe you might wanna adjust the snare tention or snare position for a better snare sound? i donno might just work?
anyone selling cheap or 2nd hand cajons?

hi, does anyone know where I can find cheap or 2nd hand cajons? my budget would be around 150 to 200 bucks.
Any suggestions on how to inspect the quality of a new cajon?
carlos cajons

hey guys wad do y'all think of the cajons from the brand carlos? how do they compare to other cajon brands?
=) another advise if u got the cash to spare is to buy the plug in version it be easier cus cajons are quite a trick to mic if u ask any of the soundman around...

Hard to mic ??
With two microphones you get a pretty nice sound, either for recording or live performance. Just place one dynamic microphone on the front for the slap hands and another on the back hole for the bass (kick).
I would suggest a shure SM 57 for the slap and a AKG D112 or Shure52 for the hole...
Schalloch Cajons

I've been playing cajon with several artistes in LA now, and i recommend the Schalloch Cajons. Great company, makes great percussion. I used the Schalloch with Burl Wood front.
Great sounding wood. Hate Tocas.
hi, does anyone know where I can find cheap or 2nd hand cajons? my budget would be around 150 to 200 bucks.
Any suggestions on how to inspect the quality of a new cajon?

Apologies mate, for a budget of 150 - 200 bucks you cant expect much really.

Yamaha at Plaza Sing has got a great cajon for around that price, but sad to say the sales staff there arent really interested in selling. They seem more interested in playing guitar there. 10 times I went there and asked around, I get the same service. But their LP cajons are really good.

Cheers mate

Apologies mate, for a budget of 150 - 200 bucks you cant expect much really.

Yamaha at Plaza Sing has got a great cajon for around that price, but sad to say the sales staff there arent really interested in selling. They seem more interested in playing guitar there. 10 times I went there and asked around, I get the same service. But their LP cajons are really good.

Cheers mate


Hi Guys,

My product is custom Cajon and only sell at USD 90 / FOB Bandung, Indonesia.
Can ceck the great sound in
http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=103726012 ,
http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=103719242 ,
