punk rock is freedom

whats the point of Hating the system... and feeling oppressed all the time. life still goes on man..
no need to dress in tight plaid pants , wear black leather jackets with sharp studs sticking out, evil looking black leather boots...also with metal studs sticking out...
Gel your hair up in crazy spikes... , pierce every loose piece of flesh on your face... wear black nail polish , then hang out in "dark" alleys...

the definition of PUNK (www.dictionary.com)

1. A young person, especially a member of a rebellious counterculture group.
2. An inexperienced young man.
3.Dry decayed wood
4.Of poor quality; worthless.
5.Weak in spirits or health.
6.A prostitute; a strumpet
7.aggressive and violent young criminal
8.rock music with deliberately offensive lyrics expressing anger and social alienation; in part a reaction against progressive rock

this is the true punk for you.
nope , not POP punk like what you hear on radio ..
those actually make MONEY$$
its PUNK..... oooooooooh
The first punk movement was started to protest against the British government due to the lack of jobs(If i remember correctly)
ChanMin said:
whats the point of Hating the system... and feeling oppressed all the time. life still goes on man..
no need to dress in tight plaid pants , wear black leather jackets with sharp studs sticking out, evil looking black leather boots...also with metal studs sticking out...
Gel your hair up in crazy spikes... , pierce every loose piece of flesh on your face... wear black nail polish , then hang out in "dark" alleys...

the definition of PUNK (www.dictionary.com)

1. A young person, especially a member of a rebellious counterculture group.
2. An inexperienced young man.
3.Dry decayed wood
4.Of poor quality; worthless.
5.Weak in spirits or health.
6.A prostitute; a strumpet
7.aggressive and violent young criminal
8.rock music with deliberately offensive lyrics expressing anger and social alienation; in part a reaction against progressive rock

this is the true punk for you.
nope , not POP punk like what you hear on radio ..
those actually make MONEY$$
its PUNK..... oooooooooh

hmmz come to think of it ... the more u rebel against the system , the more the system alienates u and the more the system makes it harder for you to succed

bottom line : punk is counterproductive
Cloudsky said:
The first punk movement was started to protest against the British government due to the lack of jobs(If i remember correctly)

That's skinheads. They're different from punks. I might be wrong 8)
punk in music,
in context, generally, most people feel that it is the energy in the songs that make it punk. energy? the speed, the tempo, the dynamics, the lyrics...etc

early versions were sex pistols, red hot chilli peppers and now, people say offspring...sum41...green day. (

Sex pistols were one of the first who gave punk a bad name, coz they were nortorious for being unable to play their instruments + totally drugged out on stage... but PUNK does not equals NO SKILL or waste of TALENT.. juz look at RHCP, the bassist gives clinics! and he is considered damn good in the industry. Sum41's braksh shreds like no body's business, the guitarist in the band "the used" is really really creative in creating sounds that are 'never heard of'

But genres are defined by humans, and human perspective change all the time, some bands have crossed over to other genres like alternative..etc (Smashing Pumpkins had lots of loud vulgar songs too..) example would be RHCP, who are now considered alternative.

Simple Plan, The used, Jimmy Eats World, Weezer, Get Up kids... they are now classified as EMO rock...

Bottom line, genres are just lines drawn by humans... the main thing is the music..the emotion..the story.... being too focused on a certain genre will cause creative myopia. Don't be categorized, be free.
hello. you know we really don't have to explain why punks are punk or why they rebel against the govt.

but the thing is punk rock has changed since the days of the sex pistols or the ramones.

once it used to be "anarchy in the Uk" or " i wanna be sedated".

now it's "all the small things". now that's just wrong.

and let me now explain the opinion that punks get alienated after protesteing. they actually want that. that's anarchy.

anarchy: absence of control or government in a country.

i fully agree with guitarphreak that don't be categorized but be free with your music.
"Punk is in your head... the rest is just fashion"

You don't have to gel your hair in liberty spikes, wear plaid pants and leather jackets covered with 92746292 patches and pins to be a punk. That is an anti-establishment fashion statement the old school punks are fond of, but dressing that way doesn't make you or your band punk. Punk is a state of mind.

Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, Sum 41, Weezer, Blink 182, Mest, Midtown, Yellowcard, MxPx, The Starting Line, Taking Back Sunday, Something Corporate, New Found Glory etc. = Pop Punk (genre that incorporates similar tempo, rhythms and musical stylings to their original Punk counterparts, but are seldom as outspoken, rebellious and political in their message)

Though personally, because these bands tend to sing so much about love and emo stuff, I sometimes refer to them as Emo Punk, because the term Pop Punk is just so much of a contradiction. Punk is a movement that is anti-commercialism and anti-pop. So therefore, Pop Punk is just an oxymoron.

There are still quite a number of true punk bands around, but chances are, no one will have heard of 99% of them unless you live in that country and are intergrated into the local underground Punk music scene as Punk has a DIY ethic and don't buy into commercial promotion.

Bands like Rancid, Heideroosjes and TSOL are about as close to real Punk as you can get in the international music industry today.

Check out the lyrics to Rancid's "Born Frustrated" and Heideroosjes' "I Can't Change The World" if you want to get a good idea...

I don't really know whether there's an underground Punk scene in Singapore. I suspect people would probably get arrested for half the things that are said or done at a typical Punk gig.

I'm Singaporean but I live in Melbourne, Australia, and there are quite a few underground Punk bands here that still follow the classic old school Punk ethos. The music scene here is amazing... So much scope for both commercial and non-commercial acts, plus some independant or community radio stations that will play non-radio friendly Punk and Hardcore that wouldn't ordinarily make it onto a commercial station. Everyone's very much into supporting the local scene and local bands, and it's such a beautiful thing to be part of.

Is there much of an underground scene in Singapore? I never really noticed back when I was living there. Should have probably made more of an effort but I never really saw any bands that played the kind of music I am most passionate about. Well, I managed to catch one or two at some point, I think, but to be honest, the vocalists of both bands kinda spoiled the music for me. The bands were pretty tight but the vocalists seemed not to realise that even though the genre was screamy/harsh, they'd still have to follow the tempo and stay somewhat in key.

Anyway, after all that shit I typed, does anyone know of extremely GOOD Singaporean Hardcore or Hardcore Punk bands? I'd love to check some out next time I'm back there for a visit.
i think got one punk band but they moved to OZ ? the suns :D mayb ya heard of em ? got arrested when they moved on stage to perform " ai sio gan mai ? " which roughly means "dun F**k around with me"...

din get to even sing a single lyric :P hows tt for punk ?
people people.....

punk is just a music genre......the rest is up to individuals.....doesn`t mean i dressed up as per normal or as a skater makes me a punk or wat...
it`s all up 2 u...n it`s not abt fighting the systems....there`s more to it...
so b4 u open up ur filthy mouth...think!!!!it`s just like metal,hardcore,or even pop....u like wat u hear,u follow.....so cut the crap abt labelling the punks as unproductive,violent people.there r punkrockers with PhDs n degrees.....dun judge!just appreciate!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
brundisium said:

ai sio gan mai is in fact, "wanna F**k?".....

Ahhh, thanks for that link. Good one.

stars said:
i think got one punk band but they moved to OZ ? the suns :D mayb ya heard of em ? got arrested when they moved on stage to perform " ai sio gan mai ? " which roughly means "dun F**k around with me"...

din get to even sing a single lyric :P hows tt for punk ?

They moved to Oz did they? Hah.
And no I haven't heard of them. Do they still exist? Which part of Australia did they move to?

What did they get arrested for?
brundisium said:

ai sio gan mai is in fact, "wanna F**k?".....

i noe ... but depends on the context can mean

a) dun mess around with me
b) wann F**k

haha about them i m not sure .. i heard this from someone else in the forums ... its either melbourne , perth or sydney ? not sure :P ! sorry ! but they like uber funny ... i think get arrested when they perform at youth park cos never wear shirt or swear vulgaritiy

( insulting / disturbing public morality /harassing members of the public / disturbing the peace : real offences here in SG :P arrestable offences)
those guys were actually the BoredPhucks. went thru a lot of crap from the authorities due to their belief that the NS system wasted two years of their lives away and that freedom of speech in singapore is non existent.altho their tiff with the local cops actually did garner both negative and positive publicity for the local scene.

IMO, these guys rock. and they're hilarious and they're making it around OZ...good to know that!! 8)

SG does produce bands regardless of what genres, who can rock other countries.hehe.

*GrimBrody dreams of playing in Botswana*
LilacXLolita said:
ai sio gan mai is in fact, "wanna F**k?".....
They moved to Oz did they? Hah.
And no I haven't heard of them. Do they still exist? Which part of Australia did they move to?

What did they get arrested for?

I thought the singer was an indian? he sang that hokkien song?

details of their arrest http://www.bigo.com.sg/archive/ARfeatures/ARboredpucks.html

official website http://www.thesunsrock.com/ judging from the website, i think they're pretty hot over there
Ahhh... Seems like they've been around but I just keep missing them! Yeah, they're playing alot of good venues like the Arthouse and Evelyn.
They're also performing with a few of my friends' bands soon, so I might check them out then.

Awesome. Good to see a Singaporean band do so well over here!
Sid Vicious of The Sex Pistols could hardly play bass, in fact most of the recordings were played by another guitarist.