providing information for bass gadgets


New member
i know i know similar posts are up already. ok but there is a problem. when recomendations r given, only the specific name of the product is given... so i am a little puzzle how the 'noobs' r going to understand. coz its like i browse via some posts and there r pple recommending pedals.. i mean diff pedals give a diff sound, by only giving the name of the product wouldnt help other users in there research. so i feel that maybe other informations like the place to purchase such products and the rough tone it gives should be provided too.. and pple seeking advises should also give a rough idea wad sound they wan instead of juz stating the genre they play. all these actually make this whole sharing bass community more efficient. maybe i tok alittle too much but i hope the experts out there wont be offended.
the problem lies with the amp dude...
as you see,they use power amp,a head,cabinet or rack connected to cabinet...which need thousands of watt to supply the power
logicly your 15-30 watt amp wont get that kind of sound,esp with single gadget,almost impossible...
settings n pickup also plays a part yeah,and the guy use pick,if you use fingerstyle,you wont get that kind of bright attack...
so my advice,dont try to follow this guy or that guy's sound...unless you got proper equipment and at least 100watt amp,so the sound can 'come out' [i dunno how to phrase it,sorry]
kudos on the amp.
you do need that amount of headroom to drive your amp to get a sound like that. a small 30-50W practice amp isn't gonna give you that particular sound..

i have a 250W Nemesis 210, and i've had similar results on my J-bass

other factors you could be looking at are

(1) compression, to give you the eveness in his pickstyle playing and the clack-ity attack

(2) scooped mids EQing

sounds like a bit of overdrive is going on too..
Its alot to do with the amp and the soundman, the fact that he's using an ESP thats probably loaded with active EMG's helps too.

As far as i know the LTD series uses the passive EMG pups, so perhaps you could invest in a more powerful amp and swap out your EMG-HZ pups for original EMG's?
ic... thanks for the help. any idea where can i change my pick ups? davis guitar? since i bought my bass there
drive4 said:
ic... thanks for the help. any idea where can i change my pick ups? davis guitar? since i bought my bass there

Davis takes damn long for repairs; my friend had to wait for months for her pickup to be replaced. Just take it to G77 or GC and you'll get it back pretty quick.