predz23: "Scientists still argue about evolution, but not about the theory itself. They argue about the evolution of certain things, how things evolved, whether or not whales evolved from mammals etc. But not evolution itself."
This is because scientists who tries to open up thier minds and explore that evolution might be false gets fired/repremanded/expelled.
Einstien: "God does not play dice"
Newton: "“This most beautiful system [The Universe] could only proceed from the dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.”"
I got the idea that creationism pretends to be an actual science from american creationists. Lets start another off topic battle, the increasing influence of america hahaha. The modern idea of creationism came from America I think... Some states went all the way to the school board, to force science teachers to teach creationism and to downgrade the validity of evolution. And this works because they are well funded, well organized, well supported and a very sneaky bunch
Now, if you believe that the earth is 6,000 years old, made in 6 days, by a creator, if you believe Adam and Eve walked the earth with dinosaurs and that evolution is completely false and try your best to make people believe evolution is unproven, by itself a religion and that its evil....Then you're a creationist
If you believe in evolution, but believe there's a God, then you believe in creation e.g where the world came from, where life came from etc. But that doesn't make you a creationist
I just find it hard to believe that Singaporeans, in Singapore (which is pretty damn developed as a country and city), in the 21th century, using scientific products everyday, still question the well accepted, well proven theory of evolution.
Scientists still argue about evolution, but not about the theory itself. They argue about the evolution of certain things, how things evolved, whether or not whales evolved from mammals etc. But not evolution itself.
Maybe they get "fired/repremanded/expelled" because they're idiots who try to disguise their religion as scientific fact.
Look, I really don't know how you can call yourself a proponent of the scientific method and still slam people for questioning "well accepted, well proven" theories. None of us would be anywhere if scientists didn't question theories that were considered well accepted and well proven. That's the whole point of science, to constantly doubt and prove the proven. If evolution is true and stands up to scrutiny why are you so worked up about people proving, or trying to disprove it? Know the truth and the truth will set you free. When it comes to science, the stronger, more logically consistent theory will always win out.
This quote reveals all that is wrong with your logic. If you start with the pre-conception that everyone religious is an idiot, and that anyone who tries to examine religion with the scientific method is out to push a religious agenda, you're obviously gonna end with with a flawed conclusion.
You keep accusing others of derailing this thread by bringing in religion, but really, how many times have you made unprovoked attacks in your own arguments on religion? Your biasedness is patently unscientific.
just found this article about dishonest debating:
1.Name calling
2.Changing the subject
4.Citing irrelevant facts or logic
14. Stereotyping: debater “proves” his point about a particular person by citing a stereotype that supposedly applies to the group that opponent is a member of; dismissing criticism by academic researchers by citing Ivory Tower stereotypes is an example of this debate tactic
21.Straw man: debater attacks an argument that is easy to refute but which is also an argument that no one has made in the debate.
LOL I never had a preconception that everyone religious is an idiot. the ones I called idiots were those that were trying to turn their religions into science using flawed logic and lack of evidence. YOU made that assumption, I didn't.
2.Changing the subjectagain using dirty tactics to prove a point.
Actually, for once I agree with growingsoulpup. It's quite clear where some people stand on this issue, and some people believe in Creation. However, we've been using facts to try to prove and disprove Creation and purposely avoided using religion, you've been taking a few pot shots here and there at religion, and it seems that your agenda is to disprove creation at all will, without proving your case for evolution much
I don't remember taking pot shots at religions. I remember saying where the creator came from, then someone said God is defined as being eternal.
He'll probably say god is eternal, he doesn't have a creator, he exists outside of nature. oh how convenient!
Lets start another off topic battle, the increasing influence of america hahaha.
predz23 said:I don't remember taking pot shots at religions. I remember saying where the creator came from, then someone said God is defined as being eternal.
nobody here has given me the idea that they are a full blown creationist...
...The question I made was to point out their own holes in creationist claims, since they're so keen on lack of evidence. That ended up backfiring and going downhill
Let me bring you back to what you said, Post no. 266:
Originally Posted by predz23 View Post
He'll probably say god is eternal, he doesn't have a creator, he exists outside of nature. oh how convenient!
I'm sorry, but you are that someone who answered the question, and the way you type out your words was quite satirical.
Because they question evolution so they can deceive the public to favor creationism (american creationists). Scientists will poke holes in theories, and provide evidence for or against theories. Creationists don't do that because they have religious agenda. They provide no evidence for anything they are for nor against, and rely on lack of evidence, that is NOT scientific. As for your last sentence, that was the whole intention until the debate derailed...
No thats wrong, no creationist examined religion using science, they take apart science and rip it apart for religion. If anything they examined science using religion, not the other way around
Thats what I meant with talking himself out, because I've heard this before. Where did the creator come from? the answer is God is eternal?! I say creator needs a creator, then the religious say "god" is eternal.
I said creator, but then I said God because thats what I thought the pastor would say. Because with creationism, when does Creator end and God begin? I was trying to show the religious agenda behind creationism. I bash creationism because it has religious agenda, but that doesn't mean I'm bashing religion
Isnt that changing the topic? Didnt I mention you dont have to answer the questions I asked?
How convenient to simply downplay the impact of your comments on religion.
All those scientific articles and your evaluation of them are itself quite substantial in supporting evolution. But every now and then, you have resorted to discrediting creation, villainizing creationists, and asking rhetorical questions like "who created the creator?". Sigh.
And how do you know that their intent is to deceive the public to favour creationism? You You can't prove their agenda, no one can unless you read their minds.
"No thats wrong, no creationist examined religion using science, they take apart science and rip it apart for religion. If anything they examined science using religion, not the other way around"
That entire statement is unfounded and cannot be proven. How many more unfounded statements are you gonna make in the name of science?
Look, everyone will have an agenda. EVERYONE. Pharmaceutical companies do their research with a commercial agenda. What's wrong with having a motivation? What should be important is the rigours and logic of the thinking behind a particular study. Are you gonna discount a study adhering to the scientific method simply because of the motivation? That's biasedness right there. How much more unscientific can you get?
All those scientific articles and your evaluation of them are itself quite substantial in supporting evolution. But every now and then, you have resorted to discrediting creation, villainizing creationists, and asking rhetorical questions like "who created the creator?". Sigh. Since evolution still has many "lacks of evidences" , it is inevitable that others (so happen they are the creationists) will challenge the theory. Instead of trying to reconcile those evidence, once in a while, you turned to picking the ambiguities of creationisms, in order to have the final say. How convenient. If nobody here, as you have mentioned, falls under your category of full-blown creationist, then why attack creationism? So what if creationism turns out to be untrue at the end of the day, does that make evolution "truer"?
Look, I see a good discussion on the age of the earth. As the theory of evolution works well with the "Earth is millions of years old", a good debate on the age of the earth will certainly contribute to discussion on evolution. I regret that I am not an expert in carbon-dating and stuff, thus I did not contribute. But if you could, you should concentrate on that discussion, rather than going around villainizing creationism.