hi 4 the last 4 mths i have been surfing many internet website about music
& i notice that many of these sites have review / interview / feature some Cds, album / artist / band so as to promote music : was wondering if SOFT could do the same
for example many of the cds sold on soft is like nobody no who are they & what kind of music it is .... if every week/month we could feature some cds review, bands, artist could spice things up & good exposure for local musicias... :idea:
& i notice that many of these sites have review / interview / feature some Cds, album / artist / band so as to promote music : was wondering if SOFT could do the same
for example many of the cds sold on soft is like nobody no who are they & what kind of music it is .... if every week/month we could feature some cds review, bands, artist could spice things up & good exposure for local musicias... :idea: