Good evening Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Project BreakOut! (Vol.2 Japanesque Music Christmas) is here!
Date: 20th December 2008
Location: Potong Pasir Community Club
Ticket Price:
Pre-Sales - $10 (Presales Commences on 1st November 2008 - 14th December 2008 )
Door Sales - $15
First 200 Tickets purchase @ Atsuki GL will recieve $60 worth of vouchers provided by our sponsors!
Web-Blog: http://project-breakout.blogspot.com/
Pre-Sale Tickets can be purchased from:
1. Official Outlet Atsuki GL Located at Liang Court #03-10 (Cash & NETS payment welcomed)
2. Order through the Bands Involved
3. Through one.pa.gov.sg (will be up soon) (Credit Card only)
4. Email
For those of you who missed it last year or do not know what PBO is about:
[ "Inspired by the music scene & live houses in Japan, "Project BreakOut!" aims to organize annual Quality J-music events to bring everyone from the related communities as well as the public with the same passion closer together, also to feature local J-music orientated bands and to providing a platform for the bands/ enthusiasts to look forward to every year! In December 2007, Project Breakout vol.1 presented 8 Local J-influenced bands like, HellvenX, 79TribalNation, Labyrinth
This year we would be having a christmas orientated theme around the event, Jingle all the way!
Of course the main attraction of the event will be the show orientated Gig showcasing some of our best local J-Orientated Bands! There'll be a good mix of Jrock/pop/jazz/etc to suit whichever genre or sub-genre you prefer~
As usual there will also be a mini bazaar with booths from our local J-punk/lolita/cosplay fashion outlets, language schools, school clubs, etc. to promote their merchandise/services at their promotional rates.
[Bands performing :]
Weekend Vacancy
For further inquires regarding this event please either post on this thread , PM me or drop an email to projectbreakout@gmail.com
Or you can visit our web-blog @ http://project-breakout.blogspot.com/ for ongoing updates~
Currently we're seeking tenants who would be interested in selling their J-Culture or subculture merchadise/goods.
Booths will be priced at only $20 for the entire event!!
If you're interested to set-up a booth to sell your goods please contact us @ projectbreakout@gmail.com and we'll get back to you ASAP, thanks!
See you at PBO!
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