problems with pup selector


Hey softies, I have an epi lp ultra and there's a problem with my pickup selector. I think it's contact prob? Cos when i switch pups esp to bridge, there's no sound until i fiddle with it for a while.

So i need advice on how to solve this prob on my own.
cos i dont wana waste money bringing this to a tech...

Any comments are appreciated! :D
fastest way, but wont last long- Contact cleaner(non oil based). Spray some, it shud temporary clear any particle thats blocking the contact(If this is causing the problem in the first place) and toggle the switch back and forth couple times

better way and lasting(at least longer than above)- Change the selector switch. Theres only 4 points on the thing that need to be soldered. Just get a replacement, open up the cavity where the selector dwell, remember which way the wires(shud have different colours) go to the selector switch. Desolder(if not, just cut away and strip some insulation) the wire, and solder it to the new selector switch
cool. i may try the wd40 first. where is it available at? just open up the cover and spray the thing in the hole, on the whole selector?
wd40 can be gotten from ntuc.

If possible, try not to use wd40. Wd40 meant to be a a lubricant. Its oil based. After spraying any contact, it wont vaporize, it will leave a layer round the contact and since its oil based, it will be easy for any particle to gather and stick on to that oily surface in long run.

Last thing we wanna, is to have particle, oil or any residue, gathering at the path where we want our geetar signal to flow thru.

Get a proper electrical non oil based contact cleaner from diy shop. Those are meant for the right purpose.
heh, any type will do, as long its non oil based contact spray. The one iam using, i have seen it in homefix and carrefour as well. Ntuc might have too.

The brand is mr mckenic
thanks a ton for the advice you 2 :D one last qn... do i just spray it on the selector, on the wires all around it too? or must i take it out? i dont know how =X
not sure whats the selector switch that epiphone using nowadays. The couple few i had all using the sealed up type one, those, imho cannot make it, after sometime.

Anyway, usually i just spray the contact cleaner directly into the thingy. Dont have to dismantle anything. Just look at the selector switch directly with the guitar facing towards us. Spray into it, toggle the thing back and forth few time.