Problems with left and right hand

hi liquid...

its really just a matter of re-learning how yo play the drums from a left handed kit point of view.. once you've done so... you're really just getting your left hand, legs, and brain to work naturally!!

take for example mike mangini... he's a right handed drummer naturally *from my understanding*

but he plays certain grooves with his left such as this video with his band hypercane doin a cover of van halen's hot for teacher. note sometimes he plays the ride with his left on his left. like open handed playing

try play a straight 4/4 groove from a lefty point of view... bass drum on 1 and 3 snare on 2 and 4 and hi-hat on 8th note 1 n 2 n 3 n 4 n. ONLY

swithch your kit to a left hand lead kit

.closed hi-hat = left hand, snare = right hand, bass drum = left leg and right leg on the hi-hat, make it sound good and natural AC/DC, try mastering that simple groove and work your way from there... it might be a pain.. but once you get through this stage, the realization of many other possibilities are endless!! like bebop tang said "START SLOW"

in the performance on the modern drummer festival he talks about sounding condusive to the way you play certain styles of music and he plays on both a left hand kit and right, try play a straight 4/4 groove... bass drum on 1 and 3 snare on 2 and 4 and hi-hat on 8th note 1 n 2 n 3 n 4 n.

if you can buy the DVD and view it and learn it might shed some light into this matter...

heres a clip of that performance.

hope it helps.. good luck