but thats whopping madness. well i think pre amps dont buy digidesign ones, get other pre amps better. like avalon ,universal audio, focusrite. but they will cost you more, however they will give you alot of different colours and more variety to record different stuffs.
the above companies spent much time to research on pre amp alone, therefore producing much and more robust pre amps compared to that of digidesign,,
same goes to compressor.
however if its me i wouldnt mind getting digidesign ICON, its got good flexible and works as a controller to the DAW, not only that, it allows you to controls soft sythns too. a wide parameters for EQ, and it can recall your settings anytime. saving settings for song are thus more simple. you do not need to like in the past notes the eq of this instrument for this song, den you want do another song different setting liao.
advantages to technology.
30K for the HD system is the very minium and basic that you can go.
if you search sweetwaters, you can get a rough gauge on how much you would spent for a pro HD system.