


wonder if there are any Predator fans here... sequel coming out soon. can still remember the debut Predator movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger as the remaining member of an elite group of soldiers hunting down an alien hunter; turned out they were being hunted instead. it made a lasting impression on me as i was impressed with the predator character per se, much like my obsession with Alien.
Yea, I am! Been a fan since i watch the 1st predator movie. And the 2nd one which feature the predator in the city. Totally cool stuff man.. I'm guessing the plot wld be similar again. Juz that this time instead of 1 predator, there would be many.. So i guess it wld be real cool and exciting to watch.. Can't wait cos its been so long since the last one.. :)

Cheers! Peace :)
predator fan here, wasnt really pleased with the AVP's

but i really like the first two, Arnie and Danny glover, but predator 2 was more better for me as it shows more history about the predators.
i'm not an AVP fan either, watched the movies as curiosity fodders... anyway, the new movie would feature Predators from different tribes so expect some new Predator looks. from the poster per se, we can see the Predator's mandibles sticking out of his helmet- that's something new.
They should put the colonial marines inside. Thats why the previous AVPs suck. You need the predators, aliens and colonial marines to make a kickass AVP!
"Predators" look promising. Hope it doesn't degenerate into some boring sci fi flick a la the resident evil movies.
Predator died as soon as AVP was made.


The film follows a mercenary named Royce (Adrien Brody), who is abducted by alien creatures known as the Predators. He is released onto an alien planet—which acts as a game reserve—along with seven other humans who, with the exception of a disgraced physician, are all cold-blooded killers, with the group consisting of mercenaries and convicts. Royce reluctantly leads the group of elite warriors as they come to realize they have been brought together on this planet as prey for a new breed of Predators.[4] While battling to survive against these creatures, they come across an American soldier known as Noland, who was brought to the planet years ago as game, but has managed to survive by hiding from the Predators in a cave. Noland reveals that the Predators have been hunting humans by dropping them on this planet for many years.[5]
[edit] Cast

* Adrien Brody as Royce, an American ex-military soldier turned mercenary.[6] Brody put on 25 pounds of muscle to prepare himself for the role, and has expressed interest reprising his role in possible sequels.[7]
* Topher Grace as Edwin, a disgraced physician.[8]
* Danny Trejo as Cuchillo, a Mexican drug cartel enforcer.[9]
* Alice Braga as Isabelle, a Brazilian SAD black ops sniper.[10]
* Mahershalalhashbaz Ali as Mombasa, a former Sierra Leone death squad officer.
* Oleg Taktarov as Nikolai, a former Russian VDV commando.[11]
* Walton Goggins as Stans, a deadly death-row San Quentin state prison inmate
* Louis Ozawa Changchien as Hanzo, a Yakuza hitman.
* Laurence Fishburne as Noland, a stranded former U.S. soldier.[12]
* Brian Steele as Black Super Predator,[13] a massive flusher predator with a jaw bone on his mask. Steele was nicknamed "Mr. Black" by the film crew.[14]
* Derek Mears as Predator.[15]
* Carey Jones as Super Predator.[15]

Personally the moment they started to give too much info about Predators and make them look like they only go to earth to hunt and stuff the movie really changed. It wasn't the same type of movie it was in the past, a simple cat vs mouse type movie that was akin to a sci fi slasher flick. But to each his own I guess, the description in this looks SO BAD.
Big fan of Predators too, especially when they took on the Aliens in AVP & AVP Requiem.

But how come the flow so weird one? It would be good to have a 3-way match, like StarCraft: Humans vs Aliens vs Predators.

That would really be a blockbuster!!
I liked the AVP series too. Aliens Resurrection was the only Aliens film I liked. As for Predator, I liked 'em all. Sure as heck I'm gonna watch this new one, one way or another. Equally, I'd also be happy if another Alien film was made. :)
I liked the AVP series too. Aliens Resurrection was the only Aliens film I liked. As for Predator, I liked 'em all. Sure as heck I'm gonna watch this new one, one way or another. Equally, I'd also be happy if another Alien film was made. :)

Hold up. You didn't like ALIENS?
Yeah. I thought they were kind of boring. Aliens Resurrection was good, though. I liked the first one a bit too, but didn't like the rest at all.
Sorry Eugene but I have to say you must have very unique taste in movies dude. I like Resurrection but there is no Alien movie better than Aliens, or at least I've not met anyone who feels that way. The weapons, the Marines getting destroyed by the Aliens, Sigourney Weaver's badass performance, Newt getting abducted by the alien in the water scene, it was a truly timeless classic. AVP was the most meh movie I've seen, it's like any other movie out nowadays, tonnes of CGI with no real plot. You don't feel the same fear you did as when you watch Aliens. But that's my view la, I'm just a hater towards most new movies. I remember watching Aliens as a kid and those scenes have never left my mind till now.

+1 to Aliens. the alien vs marines scenes were epic & there's a good balance of action & story development. i watch this repeateadly over the other Alien instalments.
I like Aliens too but the way Aliens kill the ppl in the movie, some scenes were just too fast. Its like the alien is always hiding on top of the space ship then it'll suddenly swop down to kill its prey(human). But it realy creates the suspense though.

I really hope this Predator movie will feature more weapons and arsenal of the pred. And more fighing scenes. Can't Wait!

Cheers! Peace :)
It's called different tastes, dude. Why, just because my tastes are different, I'm a troll now?
I don't want to be a snob here.. but

liking the AvP series over the classic originals is just like preferring Trivium over Metallica/Megadeth or preferring the Jonas Brothers over The Beatles in terms of pop music.

Aliens has way better action, atmosphere, characters, suspense, dialogue than that shitty AVP series that raped the franchise.
^I totally agree, although I hope this post won't turn into a flame war. I can't remember the last time I watched a remake/sequel that came out post 2000(which had an original out before that time) that I can say was worthy of the original.

Think about it. It's like saying you prefer T3 and Terminator Salvation over T1 and T2. Star wars epi 1, 2, 3 over 4, 5, 6. Seed and Bride of Chucky over Child's Play. Universal Soldier Regeneration over Universal Soldier 1. Live Free or Die Hard over Die Hard 1, 2 and 3. Jackie Chan's Karate Kid over Mr Miyagi's. Scary Movie 4 over Scary Movie 1. The list goes on. LOL

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