Actually playing on the 2 and 4 propels your music forward and gives it a very forward moving sound. Its used alot when walking swing lines. Accenting on the weak beats or 2 and 4 beats gives the music a very good drive another trick used alot is to play slightly infront of the drummer when walking jazz lines.
praticing with a metronome is good practice but i recommend putting it at 80 first and slowly bring it up always count in your head to 1/4 notes to give u a good 16 note feel on the tempo your playing at. My lecturer said this to me the other day i hope it can inspire all the bassist here who are serious about their craft. "You know your there when you can make your metronome swing" i think he said ray brown said it a long time ago, but it was a very inspiring sentence to me, hope it helps.
praticing with a metronome is good practice but i recommend putting it at 80 first and slowly bring it up always count in your head to 1/4 notes to give u a good 16 note feel on the tempo your playing at. My lecturer said this to me the other day i hope it can inspire all the bassist here who are serious about their craft. "You know your there when you can make your metronome swing" i think he said ray brown said it a long time ago, but it was a very inspiring sentence to me, hope it helps.