Practice amp recommendation


New member
Ideally it should have nice clean ( Celestion maybe? but not necessarily), 8" speaker, no need of extra effects, just a basic amp. Any brand to recommend?
A Fender Frontman 25R amp. It has a great clean sound but it has a 10" speaker. Do PM me if ur interested cos I'm selling mine..:)
currently using a vox pathfinder 15r, great cleans i must say.

or u may wanna try vox ac4tv - its full tube and has 10" speaker though
The Ibanez looks suitable. Any idea how long the sale will last? Also in my list is the Kustom 12 after reading reviews. Also not forgetting the offers I've had. The pathfinder is a 6" isn't it?

Just found out the Ibanez is a 6" as well
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Does the fender take pedals well? Someone told me fenders don't take pedals well.

Obviously the guy dosent know what hes talking about, or hes playing fuzz into a clean amp and expects to sound like Eric Johnson.

If i cant have an amp of my choice... any fender amp would be a good, ideal clean platform for me to run my rig through. I love fender cleans :)