Power Conditioners


New member
21 inch IMac
Mbox pro
Yamaha MG124C mixer
a pair of MSP5
Another laptop to run reason 6.0 and abelton live

Does the power conditioner plays a part to have this all running at the same time (In a Singapore HDB environment)
21 inch IMac
Mbox pro
Yamaha MG124C mixer
a pair of MSP5
Another laptop to run reason 6.0 and abelton live

Does the power conditioner plays a part to have this all running at the same time (In a Singapore HDB environment)

Yes. Difference is not a lot. A good power conditioner will make you think you sound chain is off even they are on and idle. However our HDB power quality is quite good already. I don't go for audio power conditioner,cos a lot of them are voodoo.
I used to have 2 pcs, one laptop, monitor, a boiler, and a portable fridge and some rack mount gears to my power conditioner.

So answer is : try without it, if power trips or recording is noisy or someone in the house is flipping switches, try solve it with strong secure cable connection and isolation from electronic interferences and ultimately using power conditioner as an option.
Noise from the switches can be reduced.
Just make sure equipments is properly grounded.
If you need boiler,fridge, portable high watt light,fan.... tap the power away from your setup.
as I was saying I used to.. Now I have the kitchen appliances on another socket.use a proper 7socket with fuse to a dedicated wall socket and also don't stack them using those "square block" extensions as they're firehazards.
Sharing a fan or fluorescent light may cause interference as well.

And now my power conditioner solely focuses on my PC/DAW/reamp setup (http://reamp.blueprintstudios.org) with clean power and perfect grounding and no impedance mismatching. You can checkout the sound and noise in the clip, it's no voodoo :) this issue came from the reamping noise thread.

So if you can do without it and no problems, move on and live a perfect life. If there're problems, the ones I mentioned should help.
For years of playing power conditioner, this is what I recommended .

Forget about computer, small electronic device(not related to audio) into the power conditioner.
Just try not to bundle the power cord together to all your audio devices.
If these device have ground pin, just ground it even they can work without it.
Mixer,preamps, audio interface can plug into power conditioner.
Devices that consume little or constant power are acceptable or favorable to power conditioner.
Studio monitor and amps are option(excluding "digital/electronic" power supply).
These devices are high power.
Normally higher the wattage, the more care in designing the power supply of such device.
There are pro and con on plugging them into power conditioner.
The pros as always, quieter, reduce noise.
Cons is sluggish.
Sluggish is caused by the power conditioner itself, taken a little voltage drop.
Other word, you cut a bit of power to your hungry device.
deutschland : do let us know what your results are. I'm using a Samson powerstrip given to me as a birthday gift, but most studios usually use Furman.
Lastly, do check the power conditioner should not output a voltage more than input voltage. At first thing it will hurt most is the tube electronic. Mic tube preamp(driver tube) will not hurt most but your guitar tube amp get more biasing. Your tube will grow more but end up death in a few month time.