I don't think beginners should memorise the chords in this manner..
Easiest way is to understand the notes on the fretboard..
Assuming your guitar is tuned to EADGBe..
You need to know what each fret on the fretboard represents..
Do take note that it goes this way:
Taking the A string, the 0th fret is an A, the 1st fret is an A#/Bb, 2nd fret is a B, 3rd fret a C, etc.. The spaces between each note is a sharp of the previous note, or flat of the next note, with B# being C and E# being a F flat in reality..
And power chords have a simple shape (eg. an F is E1, A3, D3)..
So an F5 note would have you make this simple shape, starting from an F on the fretboard.. And notice something cooler? An E1 is an F, and a D3 is also an F!
With this, you can truly understand every note on the fretboard; a detrimental process on your road to soloing.. Remember, chugga chugga ain't the only way to go, at least try to understand what you're playing before you can shred like Malmsteen..