yes Good Thread & Great Post Bro Weckl...
I remember I told Tama Goh last month that I ordered a Pearl Seat/Stool (the High-End One with the Back-Rest from Swee Lee ...cause I am old man liao - Backache lah Bros)...Tama said to me - "This is most important Eric - You must sit well to play well".
Hahaha I also remember my Mentor Tony - He always tell me "Sit Properly lah - Adjust the Kit before you play - No Proper Balance How to have a better control in your playing"....(especially when it comes to Double-Bass Drum - I always off-balance one)
The same goes with my current Instructor Alvin - "He shows and tell me how to have the Correct Posture while I'm sitting - then right legs like that, left legs like that, hands like that...Kekekeke at first - I lost balance cannot play properly cause he always point my body leaning backwards not straight - as most people tends to do that when off-balance -so true and he advice me to control and lean forward my body - very very good advice here" I train myself to always sit like that while playing..
I play better now really (it's true)..but sometimes I forget - back to my lazy pattern - I hope I will remind myself to sit properly before I start playing everytime instead of like now still - get excited just sit down and play till I realise - "Hey feeling funny ley - how come uncomfotable doing this or that - then stop - adjust here and ther (which should be other way round - 1st adjust then start playing)..
Mt Pearl Seat is comming on 1st-week of July (Helmi just call me 2 days ago) - GST 7%...and this blady seat cost me S$400.00 (somemore they gave me a good discount liao)......what to do - I want the Back-Rest (I guess that's being lazy of me so I can lean back)...but I will remind myself to sit properly - wait next time I play kit that got no backrest - Hahahaha I fall backwards...that one nebermind - wait malu lah - drummer fall can.
About placing of Snare, Toms, Floor Toms - Last time - I don't know - always make my kit High high - yaya papaya - thinking that wah my kit looks big when it looks like that (cymbal also must put high high up one)...but playing is damn tired - If I swing a long time - I get tired cause I stress myself which is bad for any Drummer. As I observed other professional and good drummers - I see that they put the toms, snare near to each other for easy reach, the snare and floor tom - just enough to stuck my right leg inbetween - I then follow and realise that this made my playing easier - I don't over-stress myself now with the right settings and I will not hurt and harm my body - because Drumming is really very Physical -good and correct setting is utmost important here. No wonder me wify cannot stand me drumming last time (actually even today)- 1st I play damn loud (no control), me wify, maid & Father hide inside the room close the door - then when I finished...I need to go walk around the park to relax my muscle, then come home call wify massage my back everynight......until she wanted to sell all my drums away she say when I'm not around....of course she would not dare - I'll divorce her if she did that....hahaha :lol:
PS: - I Actually told her "It's your priviledge can massage my back you know somemore complain, you think anyone can massage one meh...Kekekeke" you know lah I'm very naughty one.
I learn so much along the way - now I become wiser liao.Hehehe