Portable, Compact Combos

Between these few PCCs (portable, compact combos) :lol: who has owned / owns them or has played thru them? I'm looking for something to bring around with me to venues that have poor amplification.

Yamaha BBT500-110
GenzBenz ML200-112T
Line6 Lowdown LD150
EBS Gorm

Something a bit more budget like a Hartke modular system with 2x10.
A bit more upmarket like PhilJones' Briefcase model.

I like the PJB because it has a small footprint (I don't get to play at home so I just keep it in my cupboard, I guess).

Anybody with opinions? Thanks!
I use an ML 200-112T. It's good and the bass response can be pretty tight, but don't bother with the mid scoop or attack buttons. The mid scoop loses your bass in the mix and the attack makes your sound very very sharp (unless you're using old strings). Other than that, it's a pretty good amp. I'm personally more of a 2x10" guy, but that's because I prefer the punchier 10" cones.
Thanks Superkicky. I'd like a 2x10 layout too, but they're heavier and larger. I'd rather like to be able to load into a venue in 1 trip from the car.
The pjb is not going to be able to work anything more than a light acoustic gig. My preference is for the SWR baby baby blue... if not, then the next small/lightweight performer would be the markbass.
cherns said:
The pjb is not going to be able to work anything more than a light acoustic gig. My preference is for the SWR baby baby blue... if not, then the next small/lightweight performer would be the markbass.

Thank you for your input, Cherns. I have owned its predecessor with the 2x8 and really liked it. Post-Fender buyout, I'm not so sure or is it merely a myth?

I'm staying clear of Markbass for now. The Perth dealership has had several power supplies fail on them. 40% returns is quite serious, even for a new company.
You mean you've had a baby baby blue and sold it off? No!!!! I've been trying to get my hands on one for the longest time... I've had no such luck so far. The closest I came was 30min too slow :(
cherns said:
You mean you've had a baby baby blue and sold it off? No!!!! I've been trying to get my hands on one for the longest time... I've had no such luck so far. The closest I came was 30min too slow :(

Western Australia gets lots of old stuff. Some of it is good, some of it is utter shite. Very thin line between vintage and rubbish. I like the 2x8 Baby Blue more than the 1x10. At middle-low volumes there is more presence and push to the tone.

For some reason the newer 1x10 always sounded like the sound was a little bit stuck in the box. As far as combos go, this is my favourite but its too big for the car here. http://www.eden-electronics.com/products/combos/indiv/cxc112.asp
Thought I'd throw a few more into the fray, if anybody already owns them.

Hartke A70
SWR Workingpro 10

I'm not really keen on going around trying them all so I'll just go by all your esteemed advice!

Have tried the SWR you mentioned. This is personal preference, but the tone colouring from the preamp section was too much for me :/
superkicky said:
Have tried the SWR you mentioned. This is personal preference, but the tone colouring from the preamp section was too much for me :/

But is it a good colour? I'm not fussed about 'reference' or 'coloured' tone as long as its a useable range of tones.
Well... it sounded like a pretty "punk rock p-bass" tone to me. Didn't help that I was using a P-bass at the time, but so far it's basically got one main SWR sound, and I'm not really into that sound I guess. Again, it's all personal preference...
cheyen said:
where caN i Get these amps?

Hartke A70
SWR Workingpro 10

which one is more expensive? better? lighter?

I think the Hartke is cheaper

Where is the best prata in Singapore? Same answer...must try before you buy :)

3) They're both around the same weight...difference is negligible but I think they have different footprints and dimensions.

If you go try them, let us know how you go.

p.s. Superkicky I actually like the punkrock P bass tone...:-) Mike Dirnt and Paul Simonon like that is it?
I doubt you could get a Clash sort of tone from that easily, but yeah I think a Dirnt tone wouldn't be a problem.