Please shape up or you'll get this FAT

I found it quite pitiful actually, and a tad revolting all at the same time. With inflation, Singaporeans won't be growing any fatter especially with commodities like rice, oil, soybeans,flour and more all involved in a price hike.
that aint funny
i aint laughing

It wasnt supposed to be funny. More like a reminder to myself and all of us. We sometimes take our health for granted because of our busy daily routines that sometimes we tend to forget what is important to us, i.e our health. No money in the world can save us if we are really sick...
tat's a different story bro, i don't think he got fat coz of being health-unconscious...i don't even think it's possible to get that fat by eating
it's kinda like a 'disease', or genetic issue, tat even if he doesn't eat at all, he still won't cut much's pitiful really =(

anyway, i get ur main point - health FTW