Please help me complete a music survey!


New member
Hello kind people of SOFT!

Im doing a project for my school and am working on the local music scene here in Singapore. Just a short 7 question survey that will only take about 5 minutes of your time!

Would greatly appreciate it if you could help me out!

Thank you all so much!
Hi Namrehs

May I know which school are you from and would you be able to share your completed project with us on SOFT? Cos it will definitely help us much.
Hey James!

Im currently in my 3rd year of Space & Interior design at NYP. Decided to work on the local music scene for the first part of my FYP as I'm a musician myself and I didn't want to work on a topic that would bore me after weeks. Hahaha. I'm not really sure how the project would unfold itself and turn out or whether it would be able to help the local scene in anyway cause afterall, I will still have to focus on the design part of my project. Will definitely be able to share it on SOFT after I've completed it but that would probably be months later!