rylche said:active means that there's a battery on your bass and the battery provides electricity to boost your signal from your pickups to the amp, thus cable length or signal loss wont be a problem. passive is just without it. however, active can sometimes overload the amp, thus we also have active input ( -6 db ) on most amps.
confused said:tanx.i tried the corvette basic rockbass at sweelee but its passive not active like most said.it sounds nice but theres a buzzing sound coming from the amp.i play metal and punk and was looking for something bright and round but i would like to learn other type of genre as well. :?
Z3r0_G said:it IS active i'm quite sure. it's just that they have passive pickups. it is possible to have active electronics on passive pup systems. unless they changed the model specs now.. hmm..
confused said:does anyone ever saw anyone using the esp bass bugsy.the one tetsu uses.
confused said:yes,from l'arc.btw i didn't get the rockbass nor ibanez.the quee was damn long.rite now i was wondering if i should get the hamer bass at city music.i heard that its quality is not good.anyone can tell me what bass to buy.was thinking of ordering from ishimashi but don't have the money yet.