See the cute boy on the album cover? That's my friend YET 葉敦鴻. And yes, this is one of the songs in his upcoming album, called NO PROBLEM , 沒有問題
Yet's album is in Chinese and he is going indie in Singapore, that is kind of rare here especially for Chinese artiste & Music. It is very courageous of Yet to decide on that. He could have gone outside SG to launch his album but he chose home ground, I really respect that alot.
Please visit his website to check him, his upcoming album and his passion out at the below link..
Yet would be doing a soft launch for his album which would include the single -NO PROBLEM , 沒有問題 , he would be giving out a promo cd single limited edition and it is not going to be on sale anywhere else. Please write to Yet for a free copy of this limited edition CD single at the following email address -
The Full album would be launch on the 20th September 2008 at J's Cafe located at MICA Building. Please support your local artiste and music, please give Yet your support.
For more information visit his website
Thank you Everyone!
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