Playing Original songs

metal police

New member
Okay here is the band just formed.Im using two sessionists.They say I shud play original songs becoz playing cover songs at gigs is a waste of time well duh!!If Im gonna play originals I will not be using sessionists.They dnt hav the sense of belonging and unity playing others originals.Wud they?

Some shithead say that gigs shud be purely playing originalsf!!!Look at House of Rock...they play covers...wat happens if they play originals...everyone will go to sleep!!

Recently Im playing in a gig.While waiting for my band's turn..I watched others bands strut their stuffs.They play originals..respect...but I dnt enjoy...why?I could never enjoy songs that I never heard.Even I hear them on sucks...they expect me to headbang with them....only their fans can do that.

But when it comes to playing covers...especially the songs I like.No matter which sucky bands...I enjoy!!!Can headbang...

So those who think playing originals r the big deal in gigs....well get a grip...your songs sucks big time!!!Dnt expect people to enjoy at gigs!!!Sell ur songs and make it popular first b4 acting cool like your songs sound good!!
Er if everyone thinks like you, how are artistes gonna sell their originals and make it popular in the first case.

There's nothing wrong with playing originals at gigs.
Yknow that's one of the things i ask before joining a band.. whether they're playing covers or originals.. there's nothing wrong with either, but i think originals require a tighter commitment and unity and i can't do that at the moment..

But playing covers all the way also sometimes not good, depending on the song you're playing.. some people love the song that if you butcher them, they'll start throwing tomatoes and chicken stock at you.. Some people don't mind, they'll just sing along.. depends on the crowd also lah...

Depends on where you want to bring your band also...

I don't think there's wrong with playing either, it's a choice of the band and we shouldn't be affected too much and give too much leverage into playing what the audience wants.. alot of factors to see anyway, like whether it's a pub band or something...

Aiyoh. Relek lah..
Bro, I think you should see it in the angle that those covers are in the first place, originals themselves.

The only difference is that they are well-written songs that are and have been accepted and enjoyed by many across the world, played and performed by established (or otherwise) musicians.

I think maybe you are talking about some delusional 'musicians' who think that just because they have written original material - they deserve to be heard or that they are better than those who play covers. I've come across some who exhibit this holier-than-thou attitude. A result of young, hot-blooded cockiness that's typical of some teenagers lah. So, no need to worry about those too much.

Personally I have heard a lot of good original songs by local bands (and singer-songwriters), good enough for radio definitely and of course some are just poseurs and shit.

It is just that the good songs performed by some really wonderful local bands are not being marketed intensively, not in Singapore anyway. Perhaps one day, our local scene will be as vibrant and celebrated like in the Philippines,Thailand and of course Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and China.

If you ask me, I think the problem lies with the diversity of Singapore racially. In the Philippines, it was easier since there was only Tagalog, which they can't really export, and English - which they obviously could and did. Thus the success, at least in this region.

In Singapore, there are still large chunks of the population who are only Chinese-educated and won't bother to listen to English musicians and singers and truthfully, I think the various races here still only tolerate one another, and not accept fully a person of another race.

Not saying that everyone's like that, but I think many would agree that a substantial portion of the Singapore locals are still apprehensive of persons of another race, what with the current political climate where Muslims are perceived as terrorists.

Ok, digressing a bit here but I think it still has a link.

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playing originals let you show off your songwriting, and showcase your voice range and instrumental skills. cos you make your own song.

playing covers, you dont have much chance to make it your own unless youre topnotch or are creative but in singapore ive hardly seen good cover bands that make the song their own. good cover bands like cats in a cradle and by definition are good as covers, they play it exactly the same as how the song goes though.

and for the angsty one who created this, you obviously dont write songs nor have songwriting skills since you wnt to put it in such a way.

think about it.
the cover songs you perform, was once written by someone and was an original. so why do u like it?
bro you need to cool down. there is nothing wrong with playing covers or originals afterall we are musicians who play music. the only reason why people play originals because we need a sense of identity, a certain style that people can recognise us for. i can tell you, if you play covers for your whole life you will never really feel any sense of achievement.

the point is originals or covers are fine. but you gotta think; the artists out there who are writing their own songs are making the bucks while people who cover are playing the clubs.its like we never heard of any famous bands who doesnt have songs of their own right? so thats the whole deal. people should be proud of their originals (as long its created with heart) whether the majority like it or not. of course you wont appreciate other band's originals because they are not well known or anything. its like, would you not try to listen to a new song that your favourite band created? everything has to start slow right dude?

btw music doesnt = headbang. some songs are meant to make you sleep, relax, feel good and relate. you should try writing your own songs bro, use your anger from this post,translate them into emotions and write one =) it might turn out to be a hit single. you might enjoy song-writing.
:/ There's really nothing wrong with just liking or doing covers, yknow... Quite a couple of cover bands in Singapore... But it's not right to diss original music lah.. Especially when there're a whole handful of songwriters over here... Must respect both sides lah k?
i totally agree with freeflowclass... "covering an original"..

and there alot of truth written by sage, hecklerkoch and ost(heh)..
theres alot of cover bands in the world and more prominently known as 'Tribute Bands'.. that is the direction those bands wanna head.. its not wrong.

also, there are ALOT of good local compositions which can/will/should be radio-friendly and many will like it..

the rest pretty much covered most of the points i was thinking of.
well unless youre a pub band? they do make money!
i know for a fact this certain band ( due to contract signed no nmes involved) they earn about 20,000$ playing at a pub for 6days a week.
20K a month? wow.. lets all go be pub bands.. nah.

it just doesn work out for everyone..

BUT, ultimately, i do believe more than 3/4 of people in bands wanna write originals.. even the 20K a month pub band..
BUT, ultimately, i do believe more than 3/4 of people in bands wanna write originals..

Yeah... there's a bunch of peeps like us who, if we don't write our original song idea out, we'll explode and can't sleep and have nightmares and start going spastic and moody...

Well that's me anyway lol
i dun know man, i like originals...somehow it really shows the style of the band...that is if you are serious on creating your own unique sound i guess

well unless you do great covers like john molina, ur covers are gonna suck anyway, its the same thing aint it.. :D
HAHAH john malina's looking for a cover band to manage anyway.
andddd. the 20k pub band did do originals and they earned EVEN MORE MONEY. lol.
=metal police

Going to a gig and listening to a band play their own stuff which you've never heard before.
Checking out a band on youtube that your friend linked you that you've never heard before.

I sense some pattern going on here...... :/

Okay bullshit aside..
Even if metallica is your favourite-est band in the world, you have to listen to the for the first time right? before deciding wether you like them/their songs anot..

Personally I know our local scene has alot of sucky bands, dress up so much, but cannot play shit.
But if you go to enough shows, you'll slowly find bands/songs that you'll like, trust me on that. There ARE good bands in Singapore. Period.

Peace :)
Playing original songs

Hey Softies!Hereby,I'd like to give my opinion abt the topic discussed.As a singer-songwriter myself,I have to quote that playing originals and covers should be a balance to show that your band is versatile.Music is subjective.some people may like ur original songs,but some may not.Its part and parcel in music as well in life itself.Nevertheless,stay cool and do what u do best!Cheersss!:)

Personally I tend to view originals as a means of backing up oneself when doing a gig, especially since my band is mainly an originals band. First and foremost when we write songs together we don't go by a certain formula... but we do have the philosophy of keeping things simple but fresh through blending various genres with rock. We then 'road-test' our originals by inviting friends etc to our jam sessions to hear the songs and ask them for their opinions... that how we mold our songs.

On the other hand, what I really dislike about certain aspects of local "original" music is the obvious lack of originality... like basically copying the exact same chord progression of a currently popular song and just changing the lyrics, shifting the arrangement ever so subtly and then calling it one's "original".. that to me, is just bollocks. Please go back, sit down, come up with a chord progression that suits the mood of your lyrics and work from there.

Another personal peeve is hearing kids say "I wanna be JUST LIKE *insert famous local band's name here*, playing THEIR kind of music to THEIR kind of crowd". That's all good and well if you can actually match up to their songwriting prowess... but seriously... those bands (IMO) carved their niche by being who they are, not because they replicate someone else's formula.

But, that does not mean alot of original bands out there are simply ripping their idols off... the above-mentioned is thankfully a minority, or at least it is such as I have seen thus far.

Back to covers... I think that in the context of pub bands... the careful selection of covers from a certain genre is the way to go, not just choosing one band and covering all their songs.. unless you're a tribute band.

I personally reckon if one goes for covers with a groove that the band can identify with, rather than just participating in 'what's really popular now', then people would know that your group isn't just some wishy-washy play-anything band.
... First and foremost when we write songs together we don't go by a certain formula... but we do have the philosophy of keeping things simple but fresh through blending various genres with rock. We then 'road-test' our originals by inviting friends etc to our jam sessions to hear the songs and ask them for their opinions... that how we mold our songs.

Dey! Bro CD, that quacks like a duck sounding formula.

20K is for a month for a pub band - one that plays top 40s. And most of these bands have at least 5 bandmembers. And there's also a manager that takes in about 40% of the entire takings.

Having said that, there was a time when it was rumoured that Douglas O and perhaps even John Molina earned 10K a month, singularly, during their heydays.

Pub bands should play more covers and fewer originals - make no mistake about that. The business side of things ensures that. In fact, you will rarely find a pub band playing originals. But be prepared to play/sing the same song day after day until a new hit comes around and people expect you to play those new hits.

If you play at one-off gigs then that is where you get to play your originals because the crowd expects to hear them. A few covers wouldn't hurt but unless you are good enough to 'own' the song then there really isn't much good that I can say about such an exercise.

Of course there are songs that are very difficult to cover and being able to cover them will put you in a good light - for example, playing Randy Rhoads songs very well will make RoRK happy! :-D

Some people see music as a way to create. Others see it as an expression. Both aren't mutually exclusive, but 'cover-players' prefer expressing themselves while 'originals' prefer both, IMHO.