Players needed for Eighties era pop cover band


New member
Hi,currently setting up an Eighties pop cover band which plays all classics and cover them for gigs.
For some hints about what to cover,you may youtube and type "Top 10 80s pop",will find a list. Pop,don't type in Rock ok? :p


Any race,age,gender,nationality or IC colour, however we may do 2 jams a week depending on the progress.
But the most important thing is to have fun,buut u cant have fun if u sound bad. LOL
PM me if you are keen,right? Cheers~ :)
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hello windogate.
i'm a keyboardist who's switching over to playing the drums.
would love to play this genre of music with you guys as a drummer.
hope to position is still available.

Bobby (91474725)
Keyboardist switch to drums? Interesting!~ haha, but you will (can) enjoy more and contribute more if you are on keyboard for this band's selected genre. :)