Planning to get the following, Comments plz...


New member
Hi guys. I'm a relative beginner in playing guitars although I've been learning for 3 years now. I've played classical during my JC years (Yamaha classical.. cant remember the model) and acoustic guitars (Epiphone DR90). Right now, I'm planning to get my next guitar, an electric one. I'm considering a Epiphone Les Paul Special 2 and modding it with other pickups that would suit my style. I dont play outside, just private jam sessions with a few friends at home. I play mostly Pop. Punk rock, alternatives and Christian worship. Mostly Green Day and 3 doors down. This would be mostly my home practice guitar. Wat do you guys think of this plan? If you have anything bad to say about this guitar, plz do but at least give a good reason. Don't just say "oh its bad, just dont get it".

Plan :
- Epiphone Les Paul Special 2
- Line 6 Spider II 15
- Mod it with DiMarzio PAF Joe DP213 & DiMarzio PAF Pro DP151

Would it be good enuff for a practice guitar?

depends on the guitar on its own, some special iis are crap, and there are the rare few which are actually quite decent

as for modding it, if you like the feel of the guitar, why not, currently i've got 1 at mi place that i borrowed from my friend, it sounds quite good, and its all stock, but i don't really like the feel of the guitar

as for the line 6 spider ii amp, why not get the spider iii?
wats the diff between SPIDER II 15 & SPIDER III 15? And the price of the SPIDER III 15 is? sorry for these stupid questions.
spider iii is a revised version of the spider ii

and if you get a spider iii from citymusic before the 30th of december 2006, the price is $155, dunno if got anymore discount
I'd suggest an Epi LP Standard Plus. The Special II's are generally bad and i dun like the build quality. As 4 ur pickups, u may want 2 change the PAF Joe 2 a higher gain PU like Tonezone or Breed Bridge 4 a more punk sound. Trust me, i play punk too.
hmmm frm personal experience, u shld save up for the Epi LP Custom as ur first elec. The quality and built is not bad at all(almost as gd as gibson, the flame top is OK lar) and the stock pickups are pretty gd so u dun haf to wry bout spending more money on upgrading pickups.

I wld recommend getting the VOX DA5($185, city music sale). The features and tone are awesome for its size.

why LP custom? coz IMO u dun haf wry bout getting another guitar in the near future as tonewise it just sound much much better BUT IF u want to do some whammy stuff, divebombs den u shld consider getting an Ibanez Saber, RG series instead.

Hence u cld concentrate on saving up for pedals or a bigger amp before getting ur 2nd electric.

Just be patient and save save save! Took me 1yr to save for my EpiLPCtm. the satisfaction u get at the end of the day is just PRICELESS!

Just my 2cents.


dude in my opinion is better to invest in a good guitar without buying pickups rather than buy a crappy guitar and upgrade its pickups which can cost u more than the guitar....(no offense to the lp special II fans)

in my opinion squier and ltd beginner's guitar are better than those epiphone.....I own a squier strat and used to own an ltd ec-50....both sound better than my epi les paul the end I sold out my les paul.....and stick to fender now.......

well.....that's just me tho.....

w/ Luv.
yea, i would avoid the epi lp special too.
the neck just feels funny.
if you really want a LP, for the same price a SX will be a better value.
hmmm how bout going second hand?

les paul (200+?? not sure) pickups (320)

can get u a gd rg/lp std if ur lucky!

its christmas too everyone trying to sell their stuff. me too in fact.


just my 2cents, second hand worth it imho
the LP Ultra is a good guitar to get started with. the default pickups are above-average, no swapping necessary. refer to SOFT's review section for an appraisal 8)
anyway the amp is settled.

I've got the Line 6 Spider III 15 from City Music just now. Looks pretty neat.

Anyway took a look at the other guitars there too, didn't really like it. How much is a Epiphone Les Paul Custom? Where can I get one? many thanks for the input guys.
maybe you should get a mexican fender and swap the pickups to you get mexican fender with american sounds.
ah, we tend to deem anything american to be superior too easily...

owning an MIA product isn't exclusive; there might be a 'better' sounding chinese guitar out there. in any case, tone is subjective, yes?

if american is the way to go, we must then counsel vai/ satriani/ gilbert/ hammet/ hetfield/ laiho/ etc to give up their cancerous endorsement of japanese guitars...
subversion said:
if american is the way to go, we must then counsel vai/ satriani/ gilbert/ hammet/ hetfield/ laiho/ etc to give up their cancerous endorsement of japanese guitars...

hahahahaha.... give me an artcore anytime!