Pickguard of Fender Aerodyne Jazz


New member

i have a question,
is it possible to change the pickguards of Pickguard of Fender Aerodyne Jazz
as it has a contoured body and thus unflat pickguards?

and also, if it is able to be changed, where can i get them?

thanks in advance
Ha i've never seen the pickguard of the aerodyne close up, but are you certain the area under the pickguard is contoured? If it's not a regular pickguard might just fit in fine!
that im not sure. and its a factor for me to consider if im getting this bass..

so maybe those who owned one now or b4 can give their advices too?

wiki says it's a 3-ply pickguard, which is normal by fender. it should be replaceable. tys music has an aerodyne to check out.
the bridge on the aerodyne is recessed, i suppose that means that the whole body is curved. maybe you could PM the guy that was selling his aerodyne a while back?
i heard of that before too,
read in a review when this guy cant change the bridge to one badass model as its bigger than the original one
yeah, because the stock bridge was in a recessed pit. if the area of the pickguard was flat, and only the edges were curved, why then would they have a recessed pit for the bridge?

still, don't take my word for it, it's better if you ask someone who owns it.
i own an aerodyne

the top of the body is carved. something like the old les paul basses.

the bridge sits in a cavity, because the top is carved. you need to change it with something that fits. i changed mine to a hipshot vintage, which is actually smaller (shorter) than the cavity.

if you take out the aerodyne pickguard (assuming yours is an aerodyne with a pickguard) you will discover that it is just an ordinary 11-hole jazz pickguard. i replaced mine to a tort pickguard which i bought from frenchtoast who i think bought it from basspartsresource.

the holes will line up but the part of the pickguard adjacent to the control plate will not. what i did was i filed away the pickguard at that part so that there would be more room for the control plate. problem solved.

it is common for pickguards not to line up perfectly with fender basses, nothing to do with it being an aerodyne or whatever. at least i didn't really have to 'massage' the holes, which happens sometimes. if you've ever changed a pickguard you would know. use common sense, when you buy a pickguard, bring the original pickguard and try to get a best fit. that's what i did, and it still wasn't a perfect fit.