Petition To Allow Music Tablature On The Internet.

As in any storm, just keep quiet and wait, it will pass. Make more noise, the storm could become worse and prolong.
having unlicenced tabs is like

1. bootleg recording of a concert
2. photocopying primary school exam papers and selling them
3. when Apple design sometime, within 2 months you see every company producing product that look like Apple's

* if you are in a choir, would you like your performance to be broadcast without your permission?
I agree with what you're saying if a person takes the orginal tab-book and duplicates it to share with others, but what if it's just a fan's interpretation of how a song should be played leh? Key word is interpretation, most of these tabbers make that very clear, and do not pretend that the tabs they put out are the OFFICAL, ACCURATE version.

everyone who uses online tabs understands this, and will go to the appropriate sources if they want the official tab.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, dude, are you already working or still studying???

The downfall of TT durai is not/has no concern to the meaningless, juvenile-ish and almost too comical thing which the people in the post seem to believe in, called on line petition.....