Peepshow: LIVE@HRC [22 Feb 07]


New member

see you there!
yes, yes, it is happening tomorrow.

* we will be filming all these mini concerts @ hard rock, if you like to help out in the video/audio recording, do contact me .
Nice pix as usual from amaka!

I'm sure peepshow had fun and it was an experience right!

+1 to James and the crew! :)

I wanna see videos! Ha.
zaki was wooing the crowd with his sweet talk. ha..haa... very charming.

the band performed very well.
PeepShow Rocks Out!

Man, that was some night. First time people said we look good on stage. I think the clothes do affect the performance ah? Hehe...
Experience level up. HAHAHA.
It was indeed a very good performance, nice catchy originals and you guys play a cover song from my fav all time band , The Beatles :) dressing up for a gig do helps too :)
lurgee: thank you! you must teach me some of ur technicals skills too. i my my camera to have magic powers like yours.

it was a good performance, much better than my pics suggest. if only theres a little more crowd.

i love the fact that the guitarists can walk around the cafe with their guitars (wireless?) and getting close to the audience.
Amaka - Saw your pix over @ the gallery.. I like them ALOT! 8)

I finally got around to going thru' the shots I took that night.. Uploaded some over on the gallery section on SOFT.. the rest are @

[ ]

Some of the photos were of another gig, was catching Seven Sundays over @ Esplanade earlier in the evening. :D

PS: James - I still can't believe you held your video cam up all the way throughout the Peepshow gig! RESPECT..
thanks everyone

wow!!! Tom nice pics man thanks for coming anyway, you've always helped us take gr8 pics for all our gigs thanks so much man, and also would like to thank James & wife for trusting us to play at HRC and like tom said carrying the cam around for almost an hour it must be very heavy, all those who came for the show hope you guys enjoyed it cos we did.

incase you were wondering why we're 4 man instead of 5 man band, well the bassist had to leave the band due to national duties he's posted overseas. we miss him alot. if there's anyone interested in playing the bass for us are welcome and can call us to make an audition date with us. (93675918 SK) or (92743432 Mik)

