Pedo Bear Tees


New member
Just a question that I'm asking to all of you guys; Where can I find such designs in Singapore?

No budget in mind!
hahahha someone open a pedobear shop in spore, see who dares to go in. but cmon he's so cute n adorable.....hahaha
I totally want this.

check over at hardwarezone, eat drink men women(edmw) forum, theres someone there who recently brought in 30 pedobear stuff doll to sell, see if he can help you get the tees.

pedobear or anything wacky, sexy, political, bitcchy, can be found in edmw! Next best forum in singaland, after sbf...mwahahahahahah

edited: heres the link for the pedobear at edmw
fap fap fap!!
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i've seen a guy wearing a pedobear tee with the pedobear in front and at the back (collar there) having the words "E-D-M-W" hahaha.

anyway since no budget, design ur own pedobear shirt and find place to print lor. peninsular plaza?