pedals and guitars


New member
erm.. just got a question for you guys that i'm curious about.

what do you guys do, play or what guitar techniques you guys use to show out the full potential of the various guitars and various pedals and to determine which is a good pedal and a good guitar?
Man... there will be many a LOOOOOONNNNNNNNGGGGGG answer to this! :)

Lets see... Guitar wise...
Its always a visual inspection then play time. Inspection wise, you can find a lot of advise on the web regarding fit, finish, hardware and stuff.

Playing... Its got to suit your style of playing. I wouldn't take up a Fender Strat because I can't stand their necks and thin frets, it slows me down. I wouldn't take up a Gibson E335 (correct?) jazz guitar because I'm not THAT into jazz. So yeah, i'll head over to Ibanez to check out their wizard necks, jumbo frets, Edge trems and stuff... Then I'll just play what I always play for practice or a song. Thats it.
Its got to FEEL good.
hmmm... pedal wise? actually i have a question. is digitech death metal pedal good? i'm thinking of buying it. but i don't know how to test it and how to determine if it's good or not.
For pedals...One of the main reason of gettin a pedal is because u want or like that certain sound from the testing a pedal would be like ensuring that it produces the sound u want...So its subjective... 8)