Pearl P-120P Pedal

if u want me to be honest, i'd say that the pedal is quite good for what it is. if your technique is good, it doesn't even matter what model your pedal is.

btw, many pro drummers that endorse pearl use that model. e.g. gavin harrison
Really pro drummers uses that pedal? I thought they all use elims.

But I've had problems from day one with the pedal. I can't seem to set it up the way I want it. It's not as smooth as the standard Tama pedal that comes with the rockstars. I like to have my tension on the pedal really tight but whenever I try to pedal fast, the beater just seems to be everywhere and I could never get a consistent beat. It's a little complicated to explain.

Just my two cents. :wink:
I'm not sure about the old Export. But my export which I bought about 2 years ago comes with it and my practice Forum kit which I bought about 8 months ago comes with it as well.
I think the artists that use old pearl pedals but endorse pearl elims do so for marketing purposes (but not all). coz if u see john blackwell, he never does use the tama iron cobra in recording (sometimes live) sessions, he uses the tama camco.
yea i agree.think they reali use the elims for promote NEW pearl products casue their endoresed.i mean cmon, they come out wit so many new products all the time.cant expect the artist to keep changing as well thats why its all for show advertiing.