Mark September 11th 2009 in Singapore with music from four bands who are currently winning the War Against Mediocrity with original tunes to put your world to rights. Whether you wanna be sedated, liberated or intoxicated by songs and sounds, this is the place to be as this friendly squad comes together under the banner of "Peace Off... Love On".
The Guilt hails from the Lion City underground and claim to have a shady past, plus even shadier tunes - but don't worry because you're safe with their irresistible alchemy of Malay rock, Hokkien pop, and classic rock ‘n’ roll from every era. Specialising in songs about love, regret, religion and hope, some might call them a Singapura 'Super Group' because their members have earned credentials with the likes of Force Vomit, 1234X, V and beyond... But they don't want you to know this. So we won't tell.
CloseApart are melodic pop-rock influenced equally by classic 70s rock and seminal 90s Brit indie/dance. Simple catchy songs of love and hate with no regrets. They used to be more famous but the pain of fame hath left them. Consequently they're feeling a lot better now thank you, and are even more ready to Rock n' Roll than ever. Yeah Baby, yeah!
Etc wear their hearts on their sleeves and keep the music off-the-cuff. Unique, bittersweet and critically-acclaimed, the Brit duo's 'Psychopop' and 'Gone-Tropo Bop' wins enthusiasts of all ages, and from all across the world. The legendary UK DJ John Peel once said the guitarist was 'spankingly good'. And the drummer's a powerhouse too. They've been on the BBC's Global Top 10, but really it's your heart they're after.
We GANG is made up of people of various sizes and drinking preference, playing mightily memorable and unpretentious pop songs that tell interesting stories. The music is dug by a growing number of fans - some of whom relate to the songs' sporadic declarations of joy, eulogies to untold pain, moments of lust, fantasy vengeance and blatant frankness. And other people just like the tunes. Top blitzkrieg bop that comes at you non-stop.