Patent Pending - In My Place cover


New member
Hi guys,

We recently did a gig and played Coldplay's In My Place. Barring the vocals ( mics were screwed up due to technical faults ), do pass comments on the overall band!

Patent Pending

Hey, remember me? The one whose guitar you guys borrowed for Inspire.

You guys sound good. Screw the guy vocalist, you'll sound a whole lot better. That's the best advice you'll ever get. Hahaha.

The stage setup's quite bad eh. Technical stuff and all. Can hear humming from somewhere.
Stage so huge, Where the hell are the monitors? Lol

Sounds really good. But IMO, the vocalist really sucks, maybe because cant hear very well but you can hear he is outta tune on parts, quite flat.

Rock on Tobias!
pretty tight band there bro. Nice guitar tones, particularly the lead. nice bass playing too.

It was a bit faster than I'd have liked, but that's just me.

If I'm not wrong, both guitarists sounded like they were playing the same chords during the chorus. If so, they could try using differing chord shapes instead, to give greater tonal variety. I tried to verify it with the vid, it looked to be that way, but my eyes could be playing tricks on me!

Thanks for sharing!
nicely done. cant really comment on the vocalists though, too soft. but everything else was done well. for now, study hard ah for promos :D