Patch cables? (George L/Lava)


New member
Is there anywhere in Singapore that sells George L or Lava solderless patch cable kits? Also, a place that would make them to your pedalboard measurements would be handy :P

TYMC does custom pedalboard patch cabling. They don't always use George L / Lava but if you specifically want it I'm sure you could work something out with them.
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Thanks man! Just looked into it and they look like quality cables. If I took my board down there would they cut the cables to fit it for me?
Yup they can measure, cut and solder custom patch cables for you. I think they use Mogami cables. For alternative cables you can try Evidence monorail.
TYMC uses canare for their patch cables and flatheads, 15 cm for like $5, then 30 cm for $6.
Something like that..
Guitar 77 sells George L's and should be able to do custom lengths for you.

For patch cables I normally get Mogami or Canare from TYMC. Good stuff.