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After a long while of silence, finally the homemade Paper Aeroplane Ep is released. Its a free Ep, so feel free to share it with your friends!
I've included a little cover art for you ipod cover flow and what not as well as some liner notes, lyrics included.
An introduction to the new Ep:
As I walked down a street, I pondered over how time has shaped the landscape as we know it today. What was it like without the pavements and asphalt? It seems that even though buildings rise and fall, kingdoms come and go, and relationships start and end, the celestial objects seem to remain forever constant, almost a testimony of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. I wrote messages into an insignificant piece of paper, folded it up into the shape of an aeroplane, and threw it into the horizon. I watched as it faded away to nothingness against the backdrop of the sun.
Infinity feels innately overwhelming, a feeling mathematics does not seem to convey as well as gazing into the distance that never ends. Where would my paper aeroplane fly to? Is there an end to the journey?
This Ep is an expression of these thoughts. Hope you would enjoy it.
1. Epiphany
2. Paper Aeroplane
3. Sums & Equations
4. The Ride
5. Time = Infinity
6. A Plane Vanishes...
Below is the link for download!!!
Pixel Apartment
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