P2P - play to play IS the way to go...


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clubs, organisers will agree. we should profit from tiresome cacophonic catterwalling , out of tune instruments, exremely loud drumming, bad sound balancing and jaded muscians torturing our ears and eyes with their 'performance'.

P2P allows organisers , clubs to filter out bad music getting to us, the audience.

support Pay To Play today....hear, see good music.
true.. they pay, we play. its easy.

out of tune? crappy playing? etc.. than dun pay. lol
You guys are treating it as though it's some kind of war between organisers and musicians.

This whole thing is rational logic. Good bands get paid. Lousy bands get the lousy end of the deal.

I don't see the need for a massive torrent of complaints/complains on this forum. Unless you're one of the lousy bands.
You guys are treating it as though it's some kind of war between organisers and musicians.

This whole thing is rational logic. Good bands get paid. Lousy bands get the lousy end of the deal.

I don't see the need for a massive torrent of complaints/complains on this forum. Unless you're one of the lousy bands.

I'm not complaining. :p
I refuse to pay to play, reason being i spend $$ getting studio to practice, travelling around etc, and you want me to pay to play? Fat hope. I'm willing to play for free, no problem, especially if it's for a good cause (fundraisers, charities etc.... if they want me! :))To pay for that? nah. But to each his own, ymmv.
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eh... i still don't understand what is this thread about?

aquanaut, maybe you want to explain a little more?

Are you saying that organiser/venue should pay performers?
I don't think the TS understands what he is saying, or he doesn't understand what P2P means.

P2P: Musicians pay organisers to play.

This is the definition the SOFTies have known. If this is what you (the TS) are referring to, your reasoning is abysmally wrong. How does the musicians paying to play solve the problem of bad music? In fact, i would think that bad music would become more prominent, as shit bands pay their way to the stage, where they have no right to be. Please state your intentions clearly, and read the original P2P/P4P thread before mindlessly posting unsubstantiated things.
if crappy musicians pay to play and go on stage, so wheres the crowd going to be? outside smoking? lol
How does the musicians paying to play solve the problem of bad music? In fact, i would think that bad music would become more prominent, as shit bands pay their way to the stage, where they have no right to be.

True. Shitty bands pay to play because they are not invited to perform elsewhere. Good bands need not pay because they are invited to play, and very good bands get paid instead.

Maybe pay-to-play organisers love shitty bands for obvious reasons....ka-ching! :p
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Hahaha you got a point there bro guitarsan, about the organisers (moneyfaced ones at least) loving P2P bands due to the moolah to be earned off them.

Its another one of these threads.

Lock it.

At the end of the day whoever wins this argument will not change the mindset of various bands or gig organizers who wish to conduct their gigs in whatever fashion they desire. Just carry on and make music. You don't mind paying to play? Then pay to play. You dont wanna pay to play? There are available gigs out there which dont require you to pay to play. Ultimately this thread solves nothing. It just expresses the opinion of the majority. Unless anyone is going to do something drastic about P2Play this thread is pointless.
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guys guys guys ..aquanaut is pulling everyone's chain to get a reaction .....

BUT .. still if he wanted to PAY me to play with my band - I wouldnt mind accepting his $$$ lolz

good points made by some other posters here re what they think P2P is all about

Its another one of these threads.

Lock it.

At the end of the day whoever wins this argument will not change the mindset of various bands or gig organizers who wish to conduct their gigs in whatever fashion they desire. Just carry on and make music. You don't mind paying to play? Then pay to play. You dont wanna pay to play? There are available gigs out there which dont require you to pay to play. Ultimately this thread solves nothing. It just expresses the opinion of the majority. Unless anyone is going to do something drastic about P2Play this thread is pointless.


But it doesn't reflect the opinion of the majority. It simply comprises of some individuals expressing specific emotions as a result of specific negative experiences in their lives.

There is no point whining on the forum.

You guys know what's the real way to "fight" p2p? Become a better band. Become an excellent band. You should know what i mean.

Its another one of these threads.

Lock it.

At the end of the day whoever wins this argument will not change the mindset of various bands or gig organizers who wish to conduct their gigs in whatever fashion they desire. Just carry on and make music. You don't mind paying to play? Then pay to play. You dont wanna pay to play? There are available gigs out there which dont require you to pay to play. Ultimately this thread solves nothing. It just expresses the opinion of the majority. Unless anyone is going to do something drastic about P2Play this thread is pointless.

Such as...?
Such as...?

Such as?

Refer to a similar thread like this a few months or even a year ago where a forum member agreed to initiate an event to counter P2play. Whether that event materialized or not is a different story. It nevertheless shows effort. No ones asking anyone to purposefully organize something like that though. Like what daryle said just become an excellent band. Thats the best you can do. If producers do notice your band's potential things can start from there and you would not need to worry as much about getting gigs.
You guys should just read the title of the thread. All, yes, all of you have it got it all wrong.

The threadstarter wanted to talk about PLAY TO PLAY, not pay to play. Ok...?