Oslo Midnight Terror


New member
It's been a long time since I last posted an OM.

I'm currently working on a piece called "Oslo Midnight Terror" and what you are about to hear is just a half completed demo.

After doing the MIDI scoring I noticed that it sounded kinda slow and "dead". I intend to do a "build up" of the song later on so that it won't sound that monotonous.

My thanks goes out to Tera for adding a more realistic piano sample to it and also converting it from MIDI to Mp3 format.

Oh and by the way , the intro of this piece sounds SIMILAR to the intro of Iron Maiden's "Hallow By Thy Name".

And if anyone knows how to beautify my myspace account with nice HTML backgrounds , I would most appreciate it if you could teach me how to go about doing this.


Nice stuff dude. If there's anything, you may want to look at ways to give your songs that x-factor so that it stands out. It's easy for an uninitiated listener to easily have songs such as these simply flu over their heads regardless of how nice they are.

BTW, what classification would this type of music be in?

Hey Rork thanks for the comments but I don't quite get what you mean by "It's easy for an uninitiated listener to easily have songs such as these simply flu over their heads regardless of how nice they are."

The song structure is typical contemperory song structure. Intro , verse 1 , main theme (chorus) , verse 2 , main theme , bridge , solo , main theme , ending...etc.

Right now I'm going on onto the bridge part and for it I intend to have a build up to hype up the entire song gradually and to "welcome" the solo.

Genre classification wise....it's still tickling my mind. :lol:
My bad - I meant fly and not flu. Songs such as these have very flowy kind of melodies, very different from the more standard songs.

As for classification, I was referring to a specific classical genre - Baroque, Romantic etc. Just curious on stuff like these right now.

My bad - I meant fly and not flu. Songs such as these have very flowy kind of melodies, very different from the more standard songs.

As for classification, I was referring to a specific classical genre - Baroque, Romantic etc. Just curious on stuff like these right now.

Flowy kind of melody eh? Hmmmm point noted.

I supposed I'll classify it under contemporary?

I'm saying it because the song stucture is definitely contemporary.