Original band - need bassist and lead guitarist

i there,

I am looking for musicians to form a band. I am from the UK, 36 years old and have been in Sg just over 5 years. I have been playing in a covers duo and doing solo originals, but would like to put together a full band to write and play original material. I already have two venues who have booked me solo keen to have any band I put together... just need to get the right people together!

I would be lead singer and rhythm guitar and have a mid-20's Aussie mate who is keen to play drums and another mid-20's local on keys. We are kind of indie-types, but with a wider range of musical taste and rather than set a tone for the band from the off we would rather jam out some stuff and let the group find a direction together. I also play violin and mandola - if they fit into anything we write, great, but I don't intend to force them into the lineup!!!

I have a heap of songs already written, some of which may fit the lineup, but if not I don't mind - as long as we can create something together!

We are looking for a bassist and a lead guitarist - being able to sing backup would be a huge bonus! Local or expat, whatever your race or gender, it's all good. We would prefer people between the ages of 25 and 40, but will be flexible...

If you are interested please drop me a line.


hi,rudy here,lefty bassman,got plenty of experiences in gigs n studio,nothing great ,i'm into top40s rock kind
Ah shucks ... i'm over the MAX age limit ... for your consideration ... :)
guitarist here, main stream - classic rock e.g. DP, Rainbow, Bon Jovi, Scorpions and the likes ... played evergreen and top40s too :)

Hey Rudy, long time no see, how's the going? :)
hi there, Guitarist

hello, i am a guitarist. I play leads.

Chinese, 25, looking for original band as well =) we can try and see how it goes.

Hi,i'm a guitar player who's into top40s kind of stuff like those songs that we normally hear in a club ,pubs or lounge,i also play rock e.g,van halen, deep purple,von jovi,journey,mr big, and i also sing...
Hi guys,

Some of you sent me private messages as well as replying here... we have found a couple of people we are looking to try out, but if it doesn't work out we may try to get back in touch with you!

Good luck to everyone in making the music they want to!