Order of effect pedals?


New member
If you have a few pedals connected, how do you arrange the signal flow from the guitar to the amplifier. Which one comes first? For example, is it better to have 'time function' pedals before gain pedals? And overdrive before distortion pedals?
generally it is up to you to mix and match, experiment with different layout / different sounds

time function pedals (delay, loopers) are generally the last of pedals just before the amp, or even better still inside the amp's effects loop. I would imagine a delay before a distortion to be chaotic and noisy...

overdrive before distortion would drive the distortion harder, giving more saturation, the typical usage for od. but if you want a more effective volume boost you can put the od behind the distortion and adjust the volume/level
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This one's from gigrig.com, the classic way of going about it.

Read more here: http://www.thegigrig.com/acatalog/top_tone_tips.html
Damn all this while i've been doing it in the wrong order!

The whole point is there is no wrong order if it sounds good. I run reverb into gated fuzzes for huge synth-like leads. It's only the wrong order if you want to follow some arbitrary convention. It's not like someone invented rock music overnight and wrote a rulebook to follow.
This thread has been very helpful to me.. previously i didnt know diff orders of pedals affect the tone. I used to have my delay pedal to be the 1st pedal in the chain and my distortion is last and i used to wonder why my distortion dont sound as great as when i tried it in the shop. Agree there is no hard and fast rules but at least there's a guideline as to how we should consider lining up our pedals and why they should be lined up that way and how the sound is affected. This has been of great help to me. Cheers!