Opinions on Orita Sinclair's Electro-Sonic Course

Based on the fact that the website plays music when you load pages instead of muting, I would say no.

Joking on the above but it's a sign of bad web design. I have no experience with the school to give you any suggestions. As a matter of fact, this is the first time I've heard of this school. I suggest tweaking knobs as that's how I do it.

Kidding aside. I suggest you just email them. Go down and chit chat with the faculty and see whether the facilities and programs suit your needs. Then, you can come back here with your report and enlighten us. :)
I look at the school fee is WOW!.

1 st term can buy PC/Mac.
2 nd term buy Workstation keyboard
3 rd term can by 4 to 5 high quality in-plug.
4 th term can by high quality interface,monitor and mics!
Hey! I finally found this thread!

I wonder whether anyone has entered the course yet. Thinking of enrolling. I tried asking the admin qns but I cannot get much info out. So now, I hope that I can find out more over here (=
I look at the school fee is WOW!.

1 st term can buy PC/Mac.
2 nd term buy Workstation keyboard
3 rd term can by 4 to 5 high quality in-plug.
4 th term can by high quality interface,monitor and mics!

I like what you said.. :) But after spending on all the equipment.. you still dunno how to use it.

Anyway I went to school too (not this) and there opens up many opportunity for me. Now I'm working in a well established international company, so no complain. :)

My take on this: Know what you want. Do not enroll in a school and not continue what you have started. I have seen many enroll in media school and end up work in a totally different industry.

Seriously, if you guys wants to know more in what ever, I'm willing to share. So please PM me.

Please don't slam me.. I just wanna share.

learning is infinite and not one straight road to it.. infants may know the exact lyrics and melody tunes to "baa baa black sheep" , but may not know basics of abcdefg..

so I disagree with buying gear and "still don't know how to use it" . because I bought gear blindly and I trialed and error , almost unnecessarily and would have learned faster going the "school" way but I in the slow hard-way process I learned stuff on my own not&never taught in schools.

to keep to the thread, in general , whichever school you choose, it's what you do during your learning process. not the certificate.
but where do you guys suggest for me to learn making music using technology for films, animations, games etc?

i feel that the courses i'm finding have some overlapping and they may not necessarily lead me to the correct pathway.
idunn0e : in general there's 2 kinds, midi (composing) or microphone (recording).

sounds like you wanna head the composition way.

haha, you're right. i'm looking at midi (composing).

now it looks clearer. but currently, i have totally no idea how to use those things to make music, that's why i'm seeking for a diploma that can help me prepare my portfolio.

any suggestions to where i shud head out to get a course that teaches me step-by-step about doing it?

SOMA - songwriting and production
Orita Sinclair - electro-sonics
any others?
You could call Eric at Creatune @ Sonic Studio.
I think he teach at SOMA too.
He produce new age music using Eric Chiryoku as artist name.
Spring of Life and Winter Story.
You should have basic song writing skill and keyboard skill before hand.
He will teach you using Sonar with many well know commercial plug-in.
No recognised cert but you are learning from veteran producer/songwriter/sound engineer/whatever....

I learned form him for six month. Learn a lot of soft skill even though I switch to Logic. I make and sold a number of demo and a CF(recently Super Coffee Mix) recently.
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i recorded bands who were studying in Singapore Poly's DMAT (diploma of music/audio tech) and La salle. which all seems to head more towards requiring knowledge in instrument playing + composition. sorry my advice stops here cos I'm just a little less noob than you are when it comes to midi as I'm starting to self-learn it this year only.

best of luck!
Midi is quite easy to understand if you do a lot DAW recording. It just take time to under Midi notes information(like channel, velocity,duration),piano roll,program change(using hard synth). You start by record midi piano and learn to adjust velocity, notes,pedal info. You can draw expression or volume control automation just as you did in recording.

The most difficult part of writing midi is that a lot of tweaking to be done.
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Hey thanks kongwee and blueprintstudios.

These info are much more useful than what i can pry out from the internet and the sch haha. Wow, seriously there's alot of things i need to find out.

I've arranged a meeting with Orita Sinclair this fri, so I hope i'll be able to find out more info abt the course. At least with the info that you provide, I'll have a better understanding and know what kind of qns to ask.
...d0tx! haha. waiting to go for my appt later! be ready for my bombarding qns!

ok, I'm back with more info.

Managed to talk to the head of the sch. He showed me around the facilities as well as telling me what i personally wanna do and what course suits me better. And I'm being introduced to the Dip in New Media Art coz I wanna do sounds related to the tv, animation and game field.

New Media course sounds much better than Dip in Electrosonics coz Electrosonics will be covering all aspects of sound, including other very technical stuffs. Whereas, to be in the animation/game sound field, I need to know the production process of animation/game as well. And for new media course, I'll be able to major in sound. That sounds more like what I want.

But before I make my final decision, he said that he'll arrange another appt for me next week so that I can have a better overview of the course. Gonna see what the students' projects will be like (=
It may be worth while if the school can link you those industry.

yar, that's true. the professors themselves are already professionals in the industry, making this as their biz to educate ppl to suit the industry. but i think whether you can go into the industry will be based on your own efforts and ability. the course is your platform.

i think i shud be mentally prepared not to earn much in my first few years of my career (=

I hope that some orita sinclair grads can come in and share with us their experiences (=