Open D5 Tuning


New member
Greeting fellow rocking people!

Been searching for ways to tune a guitar to a Open D5 tuning for ages. Its use famously by Mark Tremonti in songs like My Sacrifice - Creed and Open Your Eyes - Alter Bridge.

I understand that it is the tuning of D-A-D-A-D-D for Marks style. From my research, many have stated that for the tuning involves tuning of the top three strings down, and tune the G string UP TO an A... the so on...

I am fearful of breaking my strings. (had that phobia since my violin string begun to snap and poke my face)

Is there any way to play Open D5 tuning songs on Standard tuning? and
Is there an easier way to tune to this tuning?

Thank you!
Rock on good people!:p
Of course there're ways to play any song on any tuning... Just how difficult it is, and you won't get exactly the same sound as some chords will probably not be possible in certain tunings. The few times I had to play Creed songs (*shudder* ;) ) I just used a drop D. The rest is up to you to figure out...
Open D5 is just one out of many different tunings Mark Tremonti uses.

Some songs, mainly the ballad-like ones, can be played using normal chords on standard tuning, despite sounding different. But it works. The other songs will need you to use the same or a similar tuning as the record.
True point taken, I've been learning those of the standard tunings and tunings that are "within reach" of my ability. But its just so happens that all my favorites are Open D5 tuning....
tuning to open D5 shd be too hard what..most of the strings are tuned DOWN and only the G is tuned up one whole step which exerts as much tension as a full bend technically right?

U shdnt be too worried about snapping strings unless the strings are alr rusty etc.. However if u really really really dont wana tune up then tune all the strings down and use a spider capo?? heh
Tuning up slowly and steadily probably also lessens the likelihood of snapping a string. That's what I do. My guitar's been tuned between dropped D, open C and standard E quite a few times with old strings and I haven't snapped a string yet. Dunno if it is luck or what. Haha.
Interesting Pedal! Will take note in future when I'm rich....

My string will definitely buzz if tuned down to C5!

I'm using 11"s...erm, DR Coated Red (for my acoustic)

My electric is on 10's, but i won't be using my electric guitar much... Its too old already! String lose its tension, plus Tuner can't even grip the strings!
Retarded Old SX Strat.....

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