Only can choose 1. Compressor or Preamp/DI


New member
hi guys.

if i am only given the option to choose 1, which shld i choose? as above. i'm on a fender CIJ jazz JB62-72 DMC. i like my tone well enuff. just need wanna be able to get a constent sould wherever i go. thx.
It depends on what you are expecting of your Pre-Amp. Coloration or OD etc.
Aphex Punch Factory(2nd Generation) is a compressor that functions as a D.I too.
D.I will be provided at gigs.
dont use od at all. more of coloration. but not so much that it eliminates my tone. its more of enhancing my tone.
Some Solid State pedals with D.I
SansAmp B.D.D.I: Tube coloration with OD
Sadowsky Pre Amp: Good for slapping
Hartke Bass Attack:Modded after SansAmp
Behringer Bass BDI21: Shameless rip off of SansAmp

There are tons of tube D.I pre-amps out there too.