if i am only given the option to choose 1, which shld i choose? as above. i'm on a fender CIJ jazz JB62-72 DMC. i like my tone well enuff. just need wanna be able to get a constent sould wherever i go. thx.
It depends on what you are expecting of your Pre-Amp. Coloration or OD etc.
Aphex Punch Factory(2nd Generation) is a compressor that functions as a D.I too.
D.I will be provided at gigs.
Some Solid State pedals with D.I
SansAmp B.D.D.I: Tube coloration with OD
Sadowsky Pre Amp: Good for slapping
Hartke Bass Attack:Modded after SansAmp
Behringer Bass BDI21: Shameless rip off of SansAmp
There are tons of tube D.I pre-amps out there too.