online/TV magic tricks are freaky. or are they???


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okay i just finished watching mondo magic s'pore on axn

towards the end, the dude will hold a deck of cards, show to everyone that the cards are all different. then he will quickly flip through all the cards pointing at the camera, so that we, the viewers can see. flipped through meaning, he holds the deck on his palm face down, lifts the edge of the deck up, the then flips through it quickly, so that he viewer can see the whole deck, in maybe a second.

so, he asks u to think of a card u saw while he flipped through the deck. the first card i saw i thought of it. it was a JACK of DIAMONDS.

and what do u know, he said, this is the card u were thinking of, jack of diamonds. he even says it out loud. :shock:

now this got me to think.. i was alone watching. what happened if i watched with my family. what if all of us think of different cards? i wonder what would be the result.

as this was broadcast on TV, could every other person watching it, like me, think of the same cards?

and oh, the jack of diamonds wasnt like the only card that was super obvious. any other person could have thought of another card.

can someone explain this??

ANYWAY, that was on TV. i found a couple of sites that do this kinda tricks. BUT, i've figured out how it works already. one, is really smart and genious. the other plain lame. but they do freak you out the first time u do it

here they are:

hehe.. have fun! :twisted:
the first link was quite accurate... the second link wasn't... all these magic tricks are just tricks and if you practice well enough, you can make it seem like as if it's magic... and illusions... you pay huge sum of money to buy or create the equipment and you just have to kept on practicing.... but some people got the 'third eye' which can really see things and some of them even went to learn black magic and witchcraft and things like that...
For the mystical ball your final answer will always be a multiple of 9. The garfield one is creepy though.
The garfield 1 is the 1st set of cards you are given is different from the 2nd set of cards that they show you :mrgreen:.

So no matter what card you choose, your card will not be there.

The mondo magic if im not mistaken, they got more than 1 card of jack of diamonds and when they flip through the deck, your mind will register the card that you saw the longest :twisted:.

Think they got show how's the trick is being done before on tv.
jack of diamond was the most obvious one when he flipped the cards i saw it too and chose jack of diamond! i too thot it was unbelieveable. try to look for david copperfield's similiar trick on youtube. interactive and all that. on second thot i thot it might be just a pre-planned trick.
The garfield one is super lame lol, the first set of cards and the second set of cards all different cards, so confirm wont kena your card.
jack of diamond was the most obvious one when he flipped the cards i saw it too and chose jack of diamond! i too thot it was unbelieveable. try to look for david copperfield's similiar trick on youtube. interactive and all that. on second thot i thot it might be just a pre-planned trick.

can u find me the link?

but if its on youtube in aint cool anymore.. cos u can always rewind and whatever.

i hope to catch a re run of that certain mondo magic episode
its the same concept as 'more than one jack of diamonds'.. idea is there.

but not exactly how you do it >.<

cannot reveal!!!
Used to play around with magic in the past. Well, learning the trick is easy. Its just the presentation part which is very hard to master.

Street magic > stage magic anytime!
haha the trick to it is very simple. don't need more than one jack of diamonds. it's a full deck of cards.

now they always say never to break the magicians code, seeing as to how i gave that up a long time ago i think i can. =P unless there are violent objections, i shall reveal how it's done :P
eh dono same method anot.

but the deck is slightly modded. well just 1 card actually.

the card before JofD is slightly cut at the top, so when u reach that card, for a split second more you get to 'glance' at the jackoD. (D.I.Y then you'll know what I mean)

practicing the technique to get that split second to look convincing is about it, the other stuff are just random banter like 'a card that comes to your head'.

I've seen really bad magicians ruin the whole trick by 'showing' the JoD too long.

+1 to me?? :D haha! (im not a real magician I revealed the trick!)

anyway this is one of the easier 'magic' tricks. ZAC YOUR TURN!

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