OM: When I Say

Nice piece, the mood is there. I'm sure if it wasn't a draft, it would turn out great for you've capture that package in it already. Good stuff!
well...far be it that i'm a songwriter or anywhere close to being talented, but from what i heard...diction is very bad. cliched lyrics. i could tell straight away you're singaporean chinese...

less cliches, more creative lyrics? ie, john mayer, "my dear we're doomed, slow dancing in a burning room"

that's magic.

you sing well though.


edit: i just finished a song...but the production is shit. feel free to comment as well. be as honest as me! slam it! haha. ok i'm asking for it. but yah.

listen to Midas' Matchsticks.
for a draft, this is sounding ok. there are lots of production techniques which can improve your song.

i put a score for your current recording next to the items below.

1. music arrangement/performance (2/10)
2. vocal expression (3/10)
3. polish recording/mixing (3/10)

the score are quite low because i know you can do better. :wink:

* i like the fact that you used just a tad reverb and the mic sounds pretty good.