OM: Pulse's


New member
Heya guys. Pulse's website is finally up and running. However there are still some parts left to complete such as the band bio and the press kit. bla bla..

But what we want YOU to do is listen to our music and give constructive feedback on what you think of our songs.. These are just some samples of the songs that we have done.. Please do take a listen and post your thoughts back here at this thread. The samples are not done in professional studios.

We will be hitting the Recording studios in july!

We play main stream music

Also, if you like what you hear do sign up on our mailing list so that we can mail you our newsletters monthly. Thanks!

Feel the pulse

Thanks very much for your time! =)
congrats again pulse! i like your website and song, mainly because you come across as a sincere bunch and you are working hard towards your goal. for me, that alone scores! :wink:
heya dusk always,

Thanks alot dude, We are trying to work towards better things. Thanks for your compliments on the website and songs man. Really happy to hear people liking our stuff. Do join our mailing list! =)