OM: Our originals. Do listen to them. Thanks.

nice hardcore stuff u guys have there!.. btw, is it recorded live? sounds kinda good for a live recording .. wads the method used? :)..
screamo ain't my type, but for what its worth, guitarist and drummer sounds great. can't really hear the bass, and vocals is another story entirely. its a little loud mix wise. sorry i can't hear the lyrics so i can't really comment on the song as a whole.
teraslasch said:
nice hardcore stuff u guys have there!.. btw, is it recorded live? sounds kinda good for a live recording .. wads the method used? :)..

Thanks!~ Yes, it was live recorded. What's the methods used? what do you mean by that?. lol. I don't know. :lol:
The bass is too soft.

Heavy music needs the bass emphasis a lot. But you've got a pretty tight guitars there.

Vocals got potential, good screaming.

Drums and bass need to work better thats all.

Hey man, this is darren.

I have seen your band...cos well.. I was there when u guys did this.

I was impressed with you guys live but as u can see, once its on record, the mistakes will stand out.

Vocals : Take no offence but u really have to work on ur diction, if a layman cant understand what u are saying about, well then you get the picture i hope.

Whole band : You guys got to tighten up a lot more if you want to really progress further.

I am just wondering when you upload the song onto the net, is it still in the normal Wav format or did u have to change it to mp3? cos it will affect the sound.

And by the way, where did all of you, as in everyone here that post their recordings, do the recordings?
Hey Darren,

how r ya?. thanks for the comments. We really appreciate it and we'll try to improve ourselves.

thnks again
I think you guys are great, even tho I don't really listen to your genre of music. I think tightness quite good, but as everyone says la, always room for improvement(maybe when ure dream theatre standard can relak a bit la haha). But darren is right abt his assessment. I've seen many bands encounter the same stuff, diction. Must pronouce words if not noone knows what you're singing abt. Then again I'm not sure about hard core music whether need to hear lyrics...

But it becomes apparent with the quieter interlude song where there are diction and pitching problems. A bit off key. Still your lead singer's voice quite good, so lots of potential. :D

Gd luck with your gig!
Mus how u record it live...???via md?from the console?
coz did not hear any hisses or those typical bootleg kinda stuff

my comments...the guitars not that balance...but thats kinda normal i believe..overall its ok...dun worry abt it...just keep on practising..
hey penguin,

sorry for replying late. Ive nt been visiting soft for quite a while. Anyway, about ur question, i tink u shld ask darren. He's more expert on this. :D

Thanks for all the comments, compliments and criticisism. We will try our very best to improve ourselves and bring us to the next level.
Can't really hear the full guitar details due to the mix..but

the overall structure/overall song is good. Pretty solid, only thing i can commment now is the needs to "blend" with the mix more. it seems isolated and "away" from the rest of the band. It needs more impact.