OM: November Rain Solo

i thought by november rain solo u meant the outro one..
it doesnt sound fluid enough, other than that it isnt bad, nice tone
Dude, you focus so hard on making the solo clean, you forgot to put the feel in it!!! It sounds unnatural... Anyways, i thought playing was pretty good...
this is one of the reasons why i feel its dangerous to cover popular songs as you get compared with the original, which happens to be way better i realise :)

Its harder to play slow and with less gain as i found out through this song! Thanks for the feedback, there is still work to be done on my intonation and of course, vibrato.

Anyway, hoped you liked the tone even if the playin wasnt up to taste
ha not bad .. yup abit jittery and artificial here and there .. should practise more of this type of music too ha .. more Ballade perhaps ?? hee ... will train more 'feel' and thus improve your future attempts too ha .. that's wat im doing myself too ..;) hope to hear more of your postings !! It's been nice to hear your recordings ... pretty nice with the tone and improv. .... keep them coming !!
hey, nice one! but make it more dirty next time, thats the Slash signature sound. sounding clean is more for modern rock. hope this helps. :D u played pretty good btw!
thanks guys, anyway i felt the playing wasnt good but i liked the tone

used my highway1 with hot golds in the neck position. sounds really thick and almost unlike a strat imo. ran it through th jmp1 preamp and into my sound card which is a m audio delta 44 through a line in.
not bad.... its nice!!!... reminds me of the video clip of slash in the desert.... so were you topless and wearing leather pants when you played this solo?... :lol:
Good work! That's one of my favourite solo!

some comments:

- this type of melodic solo don't impress by the technicality,
so the "feel" is really important to touch the listener. Try to put
more feel, eg. vibrato, picking strength, smoothness of playing etc
- got to be careful of your timing and bending of notes